Process Model Realism Measuring Implicit Realism 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Research “Trigger” 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire Number of possible execution paths explode with AND-construct with n activities in parallel: X = n! nX
Research “Trigger” 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire ABC ACB BAC BCA CAB CBA
Research “Trigger” 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire ABC ACB CAB CBA
Research “Trigger” 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire ABC ACB CAB CBA R1: All activities must occur
Research “Trigger” 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire ABC ACB CAB CBA R1: All activities must occur R2: A must occur before B, unless we start with C
Research Trigger When are we generalizing too much? Context: Capture the true underlying process Is the discovered model realistic? 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Process Realism Explicit Realism: All observed behavior should be in the model Implicit Realism: Only the realistic unobserved behavior should be in the model 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Assumptions There are no measurement errors in the log There are no infinite loops possible in the process The fitness of a discovered model = 1 (All execution paths are equiprobable) 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Process Realism Implicit Realism: Only the realistic unobserved behavior should be in the model. 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Process Realism Implicit Realism: Only the realistic unobserved behavior should be in the model. Implicit Realism Measure: How confident can we be that the unobserved behavior is realistic? 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Implicit Realism Measure m = number of paths in process M n = number of paths in log L x i = frequency of path i in log L P i = Probability of path i occurring in L u = # unobserved paths of M in L T M (L) = statistic to determine u 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Implicit Realism Measure IR(L,M) = P[T M (L) >= u | M, n] IR(L,M): Probability that a model M would generate a log L with at least u missing paths (given n) The lower IR(L,M), the less confident we can be that M actually produced L because M contains too much unobserved behavior! (for a given n) 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Implicit Realism Measure 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Empirical Illustration 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Assumptions There are no measurement errors in the log There are no infinite loops possible in the process The fitness of a discovered model = 1 (All execution paths are equiprobable) 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Conclusions IR Measure has a very precise and intuitive interpretation Current IR Measure should be used for evaluation, not comparison! 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Process Model Realism Q&A 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Implicit Realism Precision To what extent does the model NOT contain too much behavior (no underfitting) Generalization To what extent does the model NOT contain too little behavior (no overfitting) 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire
Implicit Realism Precision To what extent does the model NOT contain too much behavior (no underfitting) To what extent does the model ONLY contain observed behavior Generalization To what extent does the model NOT contain too little behavior (no overfitting) To what extent does the model contain unobserved behavior 8/09/2014dr. Benoît Depaire