Strategic implications of the Apprenticeship reforms Getting to grips with Apprenticeship standards Commissioned and funded by ETF. Delivered by AELP and partners.
English Apprenticeships: Our 20:20 vision The overall vision is for Apprenticeships to be ‘available across all sectors of the economy and at all levels including degree level …. an attractive offer that young people and adults aspire to go into as a high quality and prestigious path to a successful career’.
New Apprenticeships Employer designed and employer purchased New language and terminology – assessor, trainer, on-programme, gateway New standards designed by employers (replacing frameworks) One standard for each ‘occupation’ sector Simplify the system – short & easy to understand (KSB competence) Assessment plan with new end-point assessment regime to increase quality Specified requirement - English and maths to level 2 Key questions still remaining: The new funding model and how the Apprenticeship levy and funding charges for SMEs will work. Cost of end-point assessments
Apprenticeship Reforms Update 74 ‘ready to deliver’ – standard and assessment plan approved, funding Cap allocated 152 standards in development Over 40% Higher and Degree Over 1,300 businesses in over 100 sectors involved 205 standards published so far
Frameworks to Standards Delivering quantity and quality? 1. New delivery model 2. Staffing and resources 3. Employer engagement 4. Delivery partnerships 5. Communication 6. Learner progression 7. Ofsted – what are they looking for? 8. … and don’t forget the migration from frameworks to standards (by 2017?)
Ofsted: Apprenticeships: developing skills for future prosperity (October 2015) Recommendations for providers: High standard provision that enables development of complex skills leading towards the advanced- and higher-level skills needed by employers Sufficient off-the-job training for apprentices to develop and practice new skills Providers have teaching expertise and resources to develop the knowledge and skills in English and mathematics Promote Apprenticeships to disabled people and/or SEN with trained staff to support Subcontracting arrangements be closely monitored for quality and take swift action to tackle poor performance. Ofsted will ensure that inspections focus on evaluating the impact of apprenticeships on enhancing the nation’s skills set.
What are training providers advising? Keep informed Understand intentions Know your specialism Route to market Employer contributions Pilot new standards Capability of delivery & engagement teams Internal review Get practising Market position Employer communication
What are colleges advising? Employer communication Skills mapping of staff CPD Assessor role Estates and capacity based on delivery models Use of technology World of school/college to world of work Entry points Employability/pathway to Apprenticeship HE Opportunities Large employer /SME relationship strategy Sales strategy aligned to incentives CRM Stakeholder engagement (LEP) Market need assessment Centralised v distributed in curriculum schools Clear costing model to support financial planning and cash flow Mapping current provision to new standards End point assessment Quality monitoring Delivery model Employer Engagement Staff & Resources Learner Progression
Apprenticeship Reforms Update Future of Apprenticeships in England. Guidance for Trailblazers – from standards to starts. December 2015 Expectation Trailblazer groups will promote standards Clarification that 12 month duration relates to the period before end-point assessment Required to consider whether digital skills should be included in standard External quality assurance guidance Apprenticeship grade should be applied to end-point assessment only Guidance for developers of standards: england-guidance-for-trailblazers
Apprenticeship Reforms Update Published standards and those in development: development List of standards and stage of development: standards-list-of-occupations-available Have your say on draft EOIs, standards and assessment plans, via the monthly online survey: standards-changes-to-the-process-for-approvals
Apprenticeship Reforms Update Further Education and Skills Statistical First Release January 2016 Published SFA with BIS, we have published the statistical first release (SFR) for January showing provisional data for FE and apprenticeships in the first quarter of the 2015 to 2016 academic year. 153,100 apprenticeship starts in the first quarter of the 2015/16, including 700 on apprenticeship standards 209,200 workplaces employing an apprentice in the first quarter of the 2015 to 2016 academic year
Apprenticeship Reforms Update English Apprenticeships: Our 2020 Vision Commitment to switch over to standards over life of parliament, with majority by 2017/18 Institute of Apprenticeships vision-for-2020
Apprenticeship Reforms Update The Institute for Apprenticeships will be an independent employer- led body that will regulate the quality of apprenticeships It will be set up by April 2017 (shadow form from 2016) An independent Chair will lead a small Board of employers, business leaders and their representatives Outline role: o Approve/reject EOIs, standards and assessment plans o Provide advice and guidance during their development o Determine policy on when standards need to be refreshed or closed o Advise on funding for each standard
Apprenticeship Reforms Update Government launches consultation on commitment to make 2.3% of workers in large public sector bodies apprentices, January apprenticeship-targets
Apprenticeship Reforms Update Apprenticeship standards funding rules 2016 to 2017, version 1 Published end January Introduction of a new funding cap at 13K to the funding model 19 to 24 Care leavers - extending the incentive payment
Digital Apprenticeship Service The new Digital Apprenticeship Service will provide a new simple online portal for employers Proceeding with the Digital Apprenticeship Voucher To be implemented from 2017 – as part of a broader end-to-end service that simplifies the employer journey and supports them to employ apprentices Simplified solution Enabling employers to make decisions about taking on apprentices (for all apprenticeships and all employers including the smallest) Giving employers greater purchasing power and oversight of providers available Giving transparency on apprenticeship standards and their costs
The Levy The Government is introducing a levy on employers to fund apprenticeships Will be collected through PAYE The levy will be set at 0.5% of an employer’s pay bill. Employers will have an allowance of £15,000 to offset against their levy payment This means the levy will only be paid on any bill in excess of £3M Employers who pay the levy and are committed to apprenticeship training will be able to get out more than they pay in Guidance will be provided in Spring 2016
The Levy Levy survey for employers: January
Leading your organisation to successful apprenticeship delivery Seminars designed to help senior leaders and those involved in governance lead their organisations through the Apprenticeships reforms and prepare for growth in Apprenticeship delivery. DateHostVenue 1 March 2016AELPCrowne Plaza (City Centre), Manchester 7 March GroupRugby Campus, Warwickshire College 10 March 2016AELPHospitality House London N2 8AB 18 March GroupLeeds College of Building 23 March Group City College Plymouth
Further support available Full list of support available at: apprenticeships/ Other support available at: Main page on Apprenticeship reforms: Published standards and those in development: development Have your say on draft EOIs, standards and assessment plans, via the monthly online survey: process-for-approvals