Brownfields 101 Federal and State Role in Brownfields Redevelopment Carol Tucker, Section Chief Brownfields Program US EPA New England
Benefits to Brownfields Site Revitalization Protect Human Health and the Environment Increase Property Values and Tax Base Stimulation of other Economic Development Reuse of Existing Infrastructure Preserve Green Space Sustainable Reuse of Brownfields Maintaining/Creating a Sense of Place Improve Over All Quality of Life
Successful Brownfields Redevelopment Requires Partnerships Local Community i.e. government, community organization, residents Non Profit Organizations Regional, State and Federal Agencies i.e. environmental, economic development, transportation Private Partners i.e. developers, investors, businesses, banks
Federal Brownfields Definition “...real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.”
History of Federal Brownfields Program Program started in 1995 as a pilot at the request of the US Conference of Mayors Originally operated under the authority of the Federal Superfund Law – CERCLA As a result of the success of the early brownfields program, the Federal Small Business Liability Relief & Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2002 (commonly called, the “Brownfields Act”) was enacted. The Brownfield Act added certainty to program authorities, increased funding, and expanded available tools 6/02/06 CT
Small Business Liability Relief & Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2002 This Federal Law Contains Two Major Elements: Small Business Liability Relief Brownfields Revitalization Brownfields Grant Program Brownfields Liability Clarifications State Response Programs Authorizes funding up to $250M/yr thru FY07 Including $50M for states (non-competitive) Including funds for petroleum assessment and cleanup EPA Brownfields program funded at $162.3M in FY06 2/17/06 JF
Types of EPA Assistance Annual Maximum Grant Amounts by Category Brownfields Cleanup RLF $1 Million Targeted Brownfields Assessments Grant of service Job Training Grants $200,000 Cleanup Grants $200,000 Assessment Grants $200,000
EPA Brownfields Funding Eligibility Eligible Entities States Tribes Local Government and Redevelopment Agencies Land Clearance Authorities Regional Councils of Government Non-profits (cleanup grants) Eligible Sites Hazardous substances Pollutants or contaminants Petroleum Products Illegal Drug Labs Mine-Scarred Land Ineligible Sites Superfund (SF) Sites Federal Facilities
EPA Brownfields Program Site Assessment Grants Eligible Entities: Municipalities, tribes, states, quasi- govt entities (e.g. Council of Govts) Eligible Activities: Development of an inventory of potential brownfields sites, performance of environmental site assessments, completion of cleanup planning and community outreach activities Funding: Up to $200K Hazardous Substances and $200K Petroleum Competition: National, annual competition 6/02/06 CT
Assessment Grants Success Story – Gardner, MA Levi Heywood Public Library Grantee – Montachusetts Regional Planning Commission, MA Former Conant Ball furniture manufacturing facility – Phase I & II completed with EPA Assessment Grant. New 32,000 SF public library in downtown Gardner.
EPA Brownfields Program Revolving Loan Funds Eligible Entities: Municipalities, tribes, states, and quasi-govt entities (e.g. Council of Govts) Eligible Activities: Capitalization, implementation, and oversight of a local revolving cleanup loan program Funding: Up to $1M initially, supplemental funding available Competition: National, annual competition 6/02/06 CT
Revolving Loan Fund Grants Success Story – Westbrook, ME One Riverfront Plaza Grantee – Westbrook, ME Loan Recipient – Flannery Properties $900,000 contaminated soil removal. 135,000 SF office building & 550-space parking garage. Leveraged $1 M in federal highway funds and $250,000 in economic incentives. Westbrook conducted site assessments with EPA grant.
EPA Brownfields Program Cleanup Grants Eligible Entities: Municipalities, tribes, states, quasi- govt entities (e.g. Council of Govts), and non-profits that own the site to be remediated Eligible Activities: Completion of remedial engineering and cleanup activities Funding: Up to $200K maximum per site Competition: National, annual competition
Cleanup Grants Success Story – Boston, MA Belle Isle Coastal Preserve Grantee – City of Boston Former dump site was cleaned up using a $200,000 EPA Cleanup Grant Public access to waterfront, urban wild open space and 1 acre salt marsh restoration.
EPA Brownfields Program Targeted Brownfields Assessments Eligible Entities: Municipalities, tribes, states, and quasi-govt entities (e.g. Council of Govts) Eligible Activities: An environmental assessment conducted by EPA at targeted brownfields sites through a grant of services. Funding: $100K on average Competition: Regional, semi-annual competition
ActionAir Systems Site was abandoned in 1986 Town applied for and received an EPA Targeted Brownfields Assessment in 1997 EPA’s assessment allowed ActionAir Systems the ability to acquire the site in 2001, renovate the building, relocate within town, and retain 40 local jobs. Targeted Brownfields Assessement Success Story – Manchester, CT
EPA Brownfields Program Job Training Grants Eligible Entities: Municipalities, tribes, states, quasi-govt entities, universities, and non- profits Eligible Activities: Implementation of environmental job training programs for the underemployed Funding: Up to $200K initially Competition: National, annual competition 6/02/06 CT
Job Training Grant Success Story - New Bedford, MA New Directions, New Bedford, MA $200,000 Job Training grant used to establish a local environmental job training program in 1998 New Directions partnered with Bristol Community College 37 participants have graduated from the program 27 graduates are working in environmental field with average wage of $12.36/hour
How Brownfields Funds to State & Tribes are Used Eligible Activities Establish or enhance response and/or voluntary cleanup programs Conduct site specific work such as brownfields assessments Capitalize cleanup revolving loan fund for brownfields remediation Purchase environmental insurance Conduct Community / Stakeholder outreach activities Support general brownfields activities
Cumulative EPA Brownfields Funding to New England States State Agency Funding Total Funding in Each State Connecticut $5,896,608$28,656,972 Maine $4,291,663$15,257,019 Massachusetts $7,907,315$45,800,997 New Hampshire $6,626,543$ 14,306,259 Rhode Island $4,943,379$15,500,596 Vermont $2,226,543$ 10,503,164 Total $ 31,892,051$ 130,025,007* Totals from 1994 to present (May 2006) *Includes State Agency Funding totals
Summary of Brownfields Successes Leveraged Activities in New England $130 million in EPA brownfields grants awarded to New England communities and states since 1994 Over 15,000 brownfields sites estimated by our grantees in their communities since 1994 Over 930 sites have been assessed with EPA brownfields grant funds since 1994 Over 490 sites ready for reuse Nationally, over $7 billion in public and private investment in cleanup and redevelopment since /08/06 JF
Brownfields 2006 A Revolution in Redevelopment & Revitalization Regional Administrator’s Open House Monday, Nov 13, 12:30 – 1:30 pm in Room 156 A & B. Granting Your Wish: How To Write the Best EPA Grant Application Possible Tuesday, Nov 14, 10:15 am - 11:30 am in Room 254 A & B.