Aim: To take an existing theme and show the potential for language teaching within it. Context: These ideas come from three members of the Primary Languages Network who all work in different schools. Each took the overarching theme of delivering French language through DT and applied it to their own setting and time constraints. This resulted in three very different approaches (attached as Powerpoint presentations).
Framework strands covered: Oracy: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 Literacy: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Intercultural understanding: 3.3, 3.4
Resources: Paper – white and coloured Card – white and coloured Scissors Pencil Glue Colouring pencils/pens Vocabulary sheet Additional/Alternative Resources: Pop-up CardsCardsHats RulerXX Collage materialsX X French booksX Pop-up booksX CD songsX St Nicolas biscuitsX St Nicolas postcardsX History of Christmas TreeX Instruction sheetX Websites – see individual approachesXX Staplers X
French To learn the French vocabulary for common classroom equipment, shapes and colours. To become familiar with, and confident in using it. To learn common French phrases for classroom instructions To become familiar with, and confident in using them. To recognise some words in written form. To write simple words. Objectives 1
Objectives 2 DT To learn and practise the skills of measuring, scoring, cutting and folding. To look at a range of different pop-ups, and understand how pop-up mechanisms work. To design a Christmas card using 2 or more mechanisms. To practise making a range of pop-up mechanisms, and make a pop-up Christmas card. To design a French Christmas card, using a grid. To make a Christmas hat.
Objectives 3 Other To create a grid pattern, measuring accurately. To identify required 2-D shapes. (Numeracy) To learn about French culture (Christmas traditions) through stories, songs (Music), food. (RE/History) To learn about celebrations in other parts of the world.(RE) To use a dictionary. (Literacy)
Vocabulary sheet Classroom Phrases Passez-moi!Passe-moi!Pass me Montrez-moi!Montre-moi!Show me Puis-j’avoir…? Can I have …? Je voudrais … I would like … Rangez les choses! Tidy your things Essayez! Try Pliez … Fold … Pliez en deux Fold in half. Prenez … Pick up … Coupez.. Cut… Marquez … Score … Mesurez … Measure … S’il vous plaîtS’il te plaîtPlease Merci Thank you
Equipment Les ciseaux Scissors La colle Glue Le bâton de colleUn bâton de colleGlue stick Le crayonUn crayonPencil Le crayon de couleurUn crayon de couleurColoured pencil Le papierUne feuille de papierPaper Le carton blanc/de couleur White card/coloured card La règleUne règleRuler La gommeUne gommeRubber La trousseUne troussePencil case Le taille-crayonUn taille-crayonPencil sharpener La boîte de collage Collage box
Topic vocabulary* Le sapin de NoëlUn sapin de NoëlChristmas tree Saint Nicolas Saint Nicholas La boule de Noël en verreUne boule de Noël en verreGlass bauble La mitreUne mitreMitre La crosseUne crosseBishop’s Crook La bougieUne bougieCandle Le carréUn carréSquare L’étoileUne étoileStar Le rectangleUn rectangleRectangle Le triangleUn triangleTriangle vert green marron brown jaune yellow or gold rouge red bleu blue La guirlandeUne guirlandeTinsel La guirlande électriqueUne guirlande électriqueFairy lights La boule de NoëlUne boule de NoëlBauble *Would need to be tailored to fit the festival being studied
Outcomes Pop-up Christmas cards: A stand-alone unit of work for Design Technology incorporating French. Christmas Hats: An afternoon of Design Technology with French. Christmas Grid cards: A three lesson French project, incorporating Design Technology.
Also applicable to other festivals: Mardi Gras/Pancake Day Easter Birthdays