IS OPEN THE LIBRARY Polaris ILS Holds 5.0 SP3 Training 1
Holds System Administration settings Hold settings in an item record Bibliographic level holds: An individual hold Placing a hold for multiple patrons Placing multiple holds for one patron Item level holds First available copy holds Serials Multi-part sets Grouping hold requests Capturing holds 2
System Administration Settings 3 Each tab in the Hold options dialog box allows the system administrator to control a different aspect of holds For example: –The Staff client & PAC tab controls staff client and PAC alerts and blocks –The Terms tab sets limits on how long requests are held and kept in the system Many of these settings can be applied at the system, library or branch level
System Administration Settings 4 The Requests tab controls hold requests from the PowerPAC, including title-level, item-level, and first available copy requests This tab also defines circulation statuses that are not holdable Please speak with your System Administrator regarding questions about other settings
Hold Settings In an Item Record If holds can be placed on an item, the Holdable box will be checked Other restrictions may be defined: ‒ A single branch may be selected where the item must be picked up ‒ Patrons from this library and branches ‒ Patrons from this branch ‒ Preferred borrowers
Bib Level Holds—an Individual Hold 6 The best practice involves beginning a hold from the most practical place—for example: –If viewing the bibliographic record, begin from there –If viewing the patron’s registration or status workform, begin from there –If working with the patron in the check out workform, begin there
Bib-Level Holds—an Individual Hold 7 Determine the pickup location for the patron Even though the dates for activation and expiration are defaults coming from System Administration, the dates can be changed Attach the patron by either scanning in their barcode or use the Find button in the Patron box When a hold is saved it is given a status and the request date and origin are filled in If eligible, the hold will immediately go to a Pending status and appear on the RTF (Request to Fill) list in Request Manager Hint Depending on where a hold is started, information will be taken from the starting point into the hold request. In this example, the title information was brought over from the bib record as the hold was started from the bib record
Bib-Level Holds—an Individual Hold 8 The Notes view of a hold request shows each change to the request’s status as well as all items that are eligible to satisfy the hold A red symbol next to an item indicates the title has been denied by the branch that owns the item A blue symbol next to an item indicates the system denied the hold An icon with ZZs next to the item indicate the branch has marked it ‘Ask me later’ Notes Staff display notes are printed on the hold slip, and appear when an item is trapped in circulation Patron notes (if allowed) are entered by the patron when the request is placed from the PAC Non-public notes appear on this workform only PAC display notes are available to the patron in the PAC patron account - Request page If notes have been added the Notes view icon turns yellow
Bib-Level Holds—Placing a Hold For Multiple Patrons 9 There are two options: –Copy an existing hold request workform to create a new hold –Select multiple patrons from the Find Tool and use the third view of the Hold Request workform to manage the list of patrons Hint To copy an existing hold request for another patron, click the drop-down arrow next to the New icon and select Patron—the title remains and a new patron can be added. This copy process can be done as many times as needed
Bib-Level Holds—Placing a Hold For Multiple Patrons 10 Select multiple patrons from the Find Tool and use the third view, the Multi-Request view, of the Hold Request workform to edit the list of patrons To attach multiple patrons to a hold request, highlight more than one name in the Find Tool results list—use the enter key to attach all highlighted patrons to the hold request The plus and minus sign in the patron section on the line item toolbar allows staff to remove the unwanted patron and add any additional patrons
Bib-Level Holds—Placing Multiple Holds For One Patron 11 The same two options are available here as well: –Copy an existing request workform to create a new hold –Select multiple titles from the Find Tool and use the third view of the Hold Request workform to manage the list of titles for the patron Hint To copy an existing hold request to add another title, click the drop-down arrow next to the New icon and select Title—the patron remains and a new title can be added. The copy process can be done as many times as needed Hint To attach multiple titles to a hold request, when searching for bibs with the Find Tool, highlight more than one title in the results list—use the enter key to attach all highlighted titles to the hold request. Manage the title list with the + and – icon in the title section
Placing Item-Level Holds 12 An item level hold should be placed when a specific copy of a title is desired—only this item will satisfy the hold The ‘this item only’ box will be checked for an item level request When viewing a list of holds in Request Manager, item level holds will have an item icon next to them to alert staff An item level hold can also be started from multiple places— remember to apply best practices Hint To place an item level hold, click the Place Hold icon at the top of the item record workform
First Available Copy Holds-Serials 13 If the library chooses to not use this functionality, an item level hold must be placed and only that item will satisfy the hold The library can choose to enable holds on serials, multi-part sets or both in System Administration If using the serials functionality, when staff place a hold on a serial item, items that are eligible to satisfy the hold are grouped together This grouping is determined by: –If the item is linked to a SHR (Serial Holding Record) and has a designation in the issue record—designations must match, so being consistent with publication patterns is very important –If the item is linked to a bib record with a bib level of ‘s’ and there is no linked SHR—this hold is then treated like an item level hold In this example the patron would like a copy of the July 2014 Cooking Light
First Available Copy Holds-Serials 14 The hold is started from the bibliographic record for Cooking Light Staff will be prompted to select the correct issue from a list when the hold is saved All items with an identical issue designation will be grouped together and any one of them can satisfy the hold Holds on serials can also be started from the appropriate item record
First Available Copy Holds – Multi-Part Sets 15 When a staff member places a hold on an item of a multi-part set, items that are available to satisfy the hold are grouped together This grouping is determined by the volume field of the call number Consistency of the volume field is very important—internal spaces and all punctuation determine a match, case does not
First Available Copy Holds – Multi- Part Sets 16 In this example, the patron would like Discs 3-4 of the Sopranos fourth season The hold is begun on the bib record Staff will be prompted to select the correct part from a list when the hold is saved Holds on multi-part sets can also be started at the appropriate item record
Grouping Hold Requests 17 Staff may want to group holds when a specific title is not needed, just one item within a group Hold requests with a status of active, inactive, or pending can be grouped together A group can contain requests with any or all these statuses, and staff can add any number of hold requests to an existing group When one of the items that can satisfy the group is checked in, its status becomes held and the other hold requests disappear Hint To group holds together, from the Patron Status record Requests view, select the titles to be grouped together. Click the Add to Group icon on the line item toolbar. The selected titles are added to a group
Capturing Holds 18 Staff will see one of two pop up boxes when an item is checked in that can capture a hold –Fill hold dialog box –Transfer hold dialog box
Capturing Holds 19 Fill hold dialog box: –Yes—captures the hold and the item gets a held status –No—does not capture the hold and staff have the opportunity to reactive the hold –Cancel—cancels the check in process Transfer hold dialog box: –Yes—transfers the item for hold at the pick up branch –No—does not transfer the item for hold and gives staff the opportunity to reactive the hold –Cancel—cancels the check in process The ability to reactivate a hold is permissions protected
Managing Holds Searching for hold requests The holds queue Managing holds from a Patron Status record Changing a hold pickup location Hold statuses Inactive Active Pending Shipped Located Held Not Supplied Unclaimed Expired Cancelled Out
Searching For Hold Requests 21 Hold requests can be found multiple ways –They can be found by searching with the Find Tool –They can be found by linking to them from various workforms—bibs, items, the hold itself, holds queue, etc. To search for an existing hold request, from the Polaris toolbar go to Circulation Hold Requests To link to hold requests from a workform, click the Links drop-down at the top of the workform and select All Hold Requests
The Holds Queue 22 The holds queue can be managed by using the up and down arrows on the line item toolbar –Up or down arrow—moves a patron up or down one spot at a time –Double up or down arrow—moves a patron all the way to the top or bottom with one click This function is permissions protected Hint To retrieve the holds queue for a specific title, from the Polaris toolbar select Circulation Holds Queue. Search for the title using the Find Tool
The Holds Queue 23 Staff can filter a multi-volume or serial request by a specific volume or issue giving the true queue position The patron status workform will also display the queue position for a specific volume or issue as if a filter was applied
Managing Holds From a Patron Status Record 24 All of a patron’s holds can be viewed on their Patron Status record Requests view The hold status can be seen in the status column and the patron’s position in the queue can be seen in the queue column Many of the functions to manage holds are available when staff right-mouse click on a title The same functions are also available by using the icons at the top of a hold request workform
Managing Holds From a Patron Status Record 25 The context menu or hold request icons will be active/inactive depending on the status of the hold, for example: Options for Active holds: –Convert to an ILL request –Cancel hold Options for Pending holds: –Deny hold –Ask me later –Cancel hold Options of Canceled holds: –Reactivate Pickup location may also be changed on a hold worform if enabled in System Administration for these possible hold statuses: ‒ Active, Held, Inactive, Located, Pending and Shipped
26 If a hold request is cancelled, it may be reactivated or recreated again by staff or the patron in the PAC The number of days during which a cancelled hold request displays is set in System Administration—when the defined number of days has been completed, the hold will be automatically deleted Also per System Administration settings, Unclaimed holds can be changed to a Cancelled status or automatically deleted when checked in Managing Holds From a Patron Status Record
27 To change a Held or Shipped hold, on the hold request workform, select the new pickup location If changing a hold request with a Held status, the item must then be pulled from the hold shelf and checked in to re-route to the new pickup location –If the items is held at your library, the item goes from Held to Shipped automatically when the branch is changed—remember to check the item in –If you change the pickup location for another branch Staff will see the above pop-up message Staff at that previous pickup branch will be alerted through Request Manager that that item must be checked in to transferred it to the new pickup location Changing a hold pickup location
Hold statuses 28 Inactive—Inactive holds have an activation date into the future. The future date has been set by a staff member in the staff client or the patron through the PAC. Active—When a hold request is placed it will have an Active status if no attached items are available. Pending—This is the RTF (Request to Fill) list that needs to be printed out, items gathered and checked in to either capture the hold or put in transit for hold. Shipped—Is in the process of being shipped to another branch to satisfy a hold. Located—Indicates that the item has been selected and is ready to make its way to a circulation check in location, where it will become Held for the patron or go in-transit. Items may only be marked with a Located status from the PickList Web Application in Leap. Held—An item has been trapped to fill the hold and has been placed on the hold shelf for pick up by the patron.
Hold statuses 29 Not Supplied—A request that cannot be filled. For example, a branch denies an item level request and it is the only item available. Unclaimed—If the requesting patron does not pick up the held item within the specified period of time, the hold status will automatically be changed to unclaimed. These items should be pulled from the hold shelf and checked in to either return them to the shelf, branch or shipped to fill another hold. Expired—If a hold is not satisfied within the specified period of time, the status automatically changes to expired. Cancelled—Cancelled requests can be reactivated. They will automatically be deleted per a setting in System Administration. Out—An item has been linked to the hold request, and the item’s circulation status has changed to Out. This status is optional. It is useful in keeping track of items requested and circulated by Borrow by Mail.
Request Manager Creating lists in Request Manager Printing the RTF (Request to Fill) list Managing holds from Request Manager Hold notices 30
Creating lists in Request Manager 31 Many lists can be generated by selecting a ‘branch name’, ‘by’ and ‘status’ from the drop-down menus at the top of Request Manager To access Request Manager, from the Polaris toolbar click Circulation/Request Manager Titles with an item icon are item level holds and only this item will satisfy the hold Hint Read the columns in Request Manger backwards. For example, this is a list of pending items at this particular branch
Printing the RTF (Request to Fill) list 32 To print the RTF (Pending) list, from Request Manager click the drop-down arrow next to the Print icon and select Print Hold to Fill Items can be sorted and sub-sorted by clicking on the column headers This sorted list view may also be printed
Printing the Holds to Transfer list 33 If your library allows pickup branch to be changed for Held item, the Holds to Transfer list will have to be monitored It can be printed in the same way the RTF list is printed These titles must be pulled from the hold shelf and checked in to ship to the new pickup branch
Managing holds from Request Manager 34 The RTF list can be refreshed at any time using the refresh icon Once items have been gathered and checked in, there may be a few titles remaining on the pending list that need to be managed or they will automatically be sent to the next library in the RTF cycle per System Administration settings
Managing holds from Request Manager 35 There are three options (icons) for the Pending items that can not be found –Deny the hold—this particular item will never be able to fill the hold. Only use this option if you know the item will never be available. –Ask me later—the request will move to the next library in the RTF cycle, but can reappear on the branch’s Pending list to try again. –Cancel—this cancels the hold request and your patron will get a notice. Other options (icons) will appear depending on the hold status Hint Staff can also right-mouse click on a hold and link to the item record. The item can then be marked missing.
Hold notices 36 You can follow up a patron’s first hold pickup notice with a second notice, sent after a time interval you specify for those with a Held status. –The second notice can be sent by print, phone, or TXT message, –The default text is the same as that defined for the first notice and can be edited in Language Editor. Hint Holds notices are set in Admin on: Parameters Notification Tab Notification Options Hold Requests and Cancellations. Notification method and TXT are set here for notices one and two. See documentation concerning times during the day that holds notices are run as SQL jobs so libraries can time them to more closely match their holds workflow. Libraries can run holds processing jobs for and TXT more times during the day on a schedule different from print notices.