PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 1 MELFI PCS Displays PRO 232 November, 2014 – Rev I Form FD (Rev 3/8/04)
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 2 Get a basic understanding of MELFI PCS displays Be able to help ISS crew member use MELFI PCS displays Understand MELFI PCS displays capability Objectives
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 3 PCS is considered a Core System –ODIN ‘owns’ the PCS software and will perform the uplinks to load patches and updates –MELFI displays are included as part of the core sw load We no longer have to keep track of a single HD; any HD in any shell should contain the necessary displays For MELFI Displays to work –Must use UOP1 J3 or UOP3 J4 ( PL Bus 1 or 2) when in the US Lab –Must use UOP b2 AD2 J3 in the JEM –Typically we prefer to use the Lab UOPs due to easier coordination Each MELFI has its own set of displays General PCS Information
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 4 Core commands and Core ECW will not be available when PCS is connected for use with MELFI PCS C&W Additional Information Display (AID) is no longer supported Minimal procedures exist that use the PCS displays for MELFI –Typically only the status check procedure will be used. –If any in depth usage of the PCS displays are needed Paycom will likely have to walk the crew through the pages unless time exists to develop a new procedure General PCS Information
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 5 Main Display
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 6 Main MELFI display Perform nominal operations by crew –Change freezer mode –Test front MELFI panel (Electronics Unit) –Set dewars –Configure for ISS –Command Valves to Middle Position –Deactivate Dewars –Limit Brayton Motor Speed Main Display
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 7 Dewar Control Display
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 8 Gives the crew more insight into the state of the Dewars. Allows the crew to enter/exit a Test Session Allows the crew to test the Brayton Motor and the Dewar Valves. Command is sent when the “Set” button is selected. Dewar Control Display
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 9 Subsystem Display
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 10 Gives the crew more detail/insight on MELFI subsystems. Allows the crew to see individual sensor measurements, temps, currents, voltages, etc. Gives details about the Temperature Data Recorder (TDR). Gives information on ancillary data. The crew will have the ability to enable or disable the EU front panel. By selecting the “Enable Front Panel” button the Enable Manual mode command will be sent. By selecting the “Inhibit Front Panel” button the Inhibit Manual Mode command will be sent. Subsystem Display
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 11 Recovery Display
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 12 Used to enable or disable MELFI monitor parameters. Shows whether the parameter has failed and whether the parameter is enabled/disabled. The crew would update the Word 1 and Word 2 values and select the “Set” button in order to enable/disable a parameter The Recovery display gives the crew the ability to change MELFI system parameters by selecting the “Load Parameter” button. To dump system parameters select the “Dump Parameter” button. A Pop-up display will appear when those buttons are selected. Recovery Display
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 13 MELFI PCS displays allow the crew to operate MELFI. All MELFI Health & Status data can be viewed using the PCS displays. All but 2 commands can be sent from the PCS. The 2 that cannot be sent are: –Start Ancillary Data –Stop Ancillary Data Summary
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 14 Which Bus does the PCS have to be connected to in order to operate MELFI using the PCS and which UOPs can the crew use? Which display would the crew use to change the MELFI Freezer Mode? What are the 3 predefined temperature set points for the Dewar Control Display? Where can the crew find the Dewar Valve position? What is the allowed input range for the Test Motor display? Which command is sent when the Stop Motor test button is selected? Which commands can the crew send from the Dewar X Test display? To which main display would the crew go to Load or Dump a MELFI system parameter? How many commands cannot be sent from the MELFI PCS displays and which ones are they? Review Quiz
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 15 CMD - Command CPI - Crew Panel Interface DDCT- Display Definition Configuration Table ECW- Emergency, Caution, and Warning EU - Electronics Unit ISS - International Space Station I/O - Input / Output LED - Light Emitting Diode LRT - Low Rate Telemetry MDE - Motor Device Electronics MELFI - Minus Eighty-degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS ODIN- Onboard Data and Information Networks Acronyms
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 16 PCS - Portable Computer System PKT - Packet PL - Payload PLMDM- Payload Multiplexor/Demultiplexor TC - Tele command TDR - Temperature Data Recorder TEMP - Temperature UOP - Utility Output Panel W - Watts VME - Versa Module Eurocard Acronyms
PRO 232 Date: August 2011 Page: 17 SSP 57065B Software Requirements Specification for the Minus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) Portable Computer System (PCS) Displays MELFI Ops Lead – Peter Jones – Reference Documentation