WORKSHOP ON DEVELOPING TRAINING SYSTEM FOR PHYTOSANITARY INSPECTORS Edit Tóthné Lippai Preparation of training program - when changing of legislation -


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Presentation transcript:

WORKSHOP ON DEVELOPING TRAINING SYSTEM FOR PHYTOSANITARY INSPECTORS Edit Tóthné Lippai Preparation of training program - when changing of legislation - when founding new harmful organisms Senior referent for planning

Organisational issues (agenda, facilities, resources, timing) Feedback and grading Trainees, aim, objectives, subjects, methods, means Training needs assessment Identify the needs Design Deliver Evaluation TRAINING

1. Training needs analyses Actual Desired § Changes in the legislation Founding new pest

2/a. Aim of the training when legislation changes Aim: – To update the knowledge of the inspectors; – To promote better understanding the base of the legislation; – To ensure that the new legislation is introduced into the working process.

2/b. Aim of the training when new pest is found – To update or to enhance the knowledge of the inspectors on the specific pest; – To ensure that the information of the new pest is introduced into the working process.

3/a. Objectives of the training when legislation changes At the end of the course inspectors should be able to: – Explain the legislation to the customers (ie. truck driver), – Apply the legislation into their daily work (ie. using plant health movement document).

3/b. Objectives of the training when new pest is found At the end of the course inspectors should be able to: – aware of the importance and damage of the pest, – identify the pest, – take the necessary measures, – take samples in case of suspicious. - diagnosticians should be able to: – identify the pest, – apply the recommended methods.

4. Identification of the trainees What do inspectors/ diagnosticians already know about the new legislation/harmful organism? How will the training fit in with their roles and tasks? Is the relevance of the training clear to the inspectors?

4. Identification of the trainees How many inspectors will be involved? – Ideal size of the group? – One central or several regional trainings? – Budgetary issues… Take into consideration differences in experiences, skills and job responsibilities.

Group profile Make a short „profile” of your group: – Number of the participants, – Their positions (current and possible future), – Their knowledge (general, specific background), – Practical experiences, competences, – Daily work, – Personal motivation.

5/a. Subject of the training when legislation changes Types of requirements International standards EPPO standards Guidelines Directive Regulation Decision Recommendation National legislation

5/b. Subject of the training when new pest is found Background – identity (taxonomy), Geographical distribution Host plants, Biology, Detection and identification – Symptoms, – Morphology, Pathway, Economic impact, Control measures.

Sources of information IPPC webpage: EPPO webpage: EU legislation:

Efficiency of training and learning 14

6. Methods guidelines, handbooks, lectures, group discussions, case studies, demonstrations, practical exercises, question-answer sessions, instructional videos, role plays, E-learning. More details are coming in tomorrow’s session.

7. Other elements The availability : – facilities, – time and – budgets. Draw up the main responsibility as far as organising the training concerned. (who is doing what and when)

8. Example of a Training Outline Course Title: Participants and their backgrounds: Aims and Objectives: – The overall aim of this course is to provide the participants… – At the end of the course the participants should be able: Key subjects: Means of training and communication: Organisational issues: – Tentative programme: – Resources: – Responsibilities: – Timing:

Thank you!