Accelerator/WP 11.5.3 High-Beta Structures Alan Wheelhouse HIGH-BETA CAVITY DELIVERY April, 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Accelerator/WP High-Beta Structures Alan Wheelhouse HIGH-BETA CAVITY DELIVERY April, 2016

WP Overview Schedule Technical Performance Selected Technologies Integration & Verification Organisation Structure Budget & Cost Book Major Procurement Risks Next Steps Summary 2

Schedule STFC ESS Project Board approval granted for the programme – July 2015 Programme of work formally started 3 rd August 2015 – Original plan designed to start on the 4 th May 2015  May impact the schedule Confirmation from BIS that George Osborne has signed off the ESS business case (2 nd December 2015)  Authority to proceed with major procurements agreed by STFC ESS Project Office Infrastructure requirements defined and procurement is progressing  Need to assess infrastructure timescales wrt project plan  Formal UK-IKC funding starts 1/4/16:  In line with Primavera 3 Infrastructure Cavity Fabrication and Testing Procedure & Staff Development

Schedule 4 Infrastructure Cavity Fabrication and Testing Procedure & Staff Development P6

WP Technical performances 5  Delivery of 84 (+ 4 spares) high-β dressed elliptical cavities capable of achieving 22.9 MV/m at 704 MHz, with a Q o better than 5 x 10 9 Niobium procurement: STFC to procure the high RRR Niobium for the high-β elliptical dressed cavities in agreement with the SRF collaboration for the ESS linac. Cavity fabrication of the 84 (+4 spares) high-β elliptical dressed cavity in industry including: – Cavity fabrication – Chemical processing – Heat treatment – Vacuum processing Procedure Qualification and Training: – A qualified test procedure to be developed and implemented. – A QA/QC system for individual tests in accordance with ESS policies. – Trial tests to be performed and performance targets verified. – Staff training in procedures and processes. −High pressure rinsing −Field flatness and frequency tuning −Assembly of RF antenna and isolation valve in cleanroom −Shipment of dressed cavities to STFC

WP Technical performances 6 Vertical Test (VT) of SRF cavities: – VT stand to be qualified to meet ESS cavity requirements including new cryogenic and RF system, along with a suitable controls system. – A QA/QC system for individual tests in accordance with ESS policies. – Testing of the high-β dressed cavities to 22.9 MV/m at 704 MHz, with a Q o better than 5 x – Documented test results provided to ESS. Preparation and shipping of cavities to cryomodule integration site: – STFC to design and procure shipping fixtures for SRF dressed cavities for transport from industry. – STFC to transport SRF cavities from STFC to the cryomodule integration site. – STFC to support transport cost in accordance with ESS transportation policy. Excluded Activities: – No Eddy current scanning is to be performed for Nb sheets – No BCP rework at Daresbury to be performed – No cavity or tooling design work is included RequirementsHigh-β Frequency (MHz) Geometrical β0.86 Nominal Accelerating Gradient (MV/m)19.9 Nominal Accelerating Voltage (MV)18.2 Tested Accelerating Gradient (MV/m)22.9 Epk (MV/m)45 Bpk/Eacc (mT/MV/m)4.3 Epk/Eacc2.2 Iris Diameter (mm)120 Cell Coupling k (%)≥ 1.5 RF Peak Power (kW)1100 Qext7.6x10 5 Q 0 at nominal gradient> 5x10 9

WP Selected technologies 7 Thin Film Lab Crab Lab Offices upstairs Cavity Goods-In & Out downstairs He Compressor House VTF Cryo-plant 55m 20m Cleanroom Full crane coverage Hall Layout

WP Selected technologies 8 Thin Film Lab Crab Lab Offices upstairs Cavity Goods-In & Out downstairs He Compressor House VTF Cryo-plant 55m 20m Cleanroom BCP not included in ESS scope Cleanroom Layout Shielding Design

WP Selected technologies 9 Air Liquide Advance Technologies Cryostat Proposed Design Aim to test 3 cavities horizontal in the cryostat Diameter sufficient to test 3 vertically if required Helium vessel will be used to cool the cavities: Reduced LHe requirements  75% saving on LHe and gas storage Automatic leak checks on He vessel Higher confidence in performance Quicker cool-down/warm up periods  Cryostat order placed with Criotec - Delivery July 2017 Cryogenics plant will consist of: – He Liquefier (100 l/h) – 3000 l LHe Dewar – Helium Recovery System (10g/s) – Gas Storage Order has been placed with Air Liquide Advance Technologies Kick-off meeting 17 th March 2016 Delivery by February 2017 Commissioning of 4K system April 2017, final commissioning July 2017 (after cryostat delivery)

WP Selected technologies 10 RF System Existing VTF test facility configured for an operational frequency of 1.3 GHz. Modifications required to enable testing at 704 MHz. System has been defined − Robust and versatile system − Low risk as it is an already operational system at JLab RF amplifier (500W) on order: − RF power level allows for F/E and m/p conditions Courtesy of Tom Powers (Jlab) Low level block diagram Existing VTF test facility

WP Integration and Verification 11 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – ISO 9001:2008 Development of procedures and processes due to commence Need a better understanding of parameters to be recorded Understand data collected on prototype cavities tested to date Need to understand/agree how the data is to be presented – compliance with ESS PLM system Need to define the architecture – Being progressed

WP Organization at partner lab 12 STFC ESS-IKC Project Board ESS/CEA Elliptical Cavity Collaboration Board Stakeholder planning Financial reporting Project planning (& current R,A,G status) Change Management Risk Register StartedImminent Not yet Started PMC meets every 2 weeks PMB to meet quarterly Project reviewed by IKC Board Feb collaboration meetings held + visit to CEA Recruitment complete

WP Organization at partner lab 13 High-Beta Cavity Delivery Team Management Project Sponsor – P McIntosh (ASTeC) RF & Cryogenic Group Leader – A Wheelhouse (ASTeC) Interim Project Manager – P Atkinson (Technology) New Project Manager – M Ellis (ASTeC) (Started 1 st April) QA Manager – M Pendleton (Technology) Operations – Andy Goulden (ASTeC) RF Senior RF Engineer – P Smith (ASTeC) (Started 18 th April) RF Engineer – P Goudket (ASTeC) RF Engineer – K Dumbell (ASTeC) Cryogenics Senior Cryogenic Engineer – S Pattalwar (ASTeC) Senior Cryogenic Engineer – R Buckley (ASTeC) Cryogenic Engineer – L Bizel-Bizzellot (ASTeC) Mechanical Senior Mechanical Technician – P Davies (Technology) Mechanical Technician – W Roberts (Technology) Mechanical Technician – R Corcoran (Technology) Project Manager Michael Ellis Quality Manager Mark Pendelton Mechanical Technician Phil Davies Mechanical Technician Wyn Roberts Mechanical Technician Ryan Corcoran RF Engineer Paul Smith Cryogeninc Engineer Louis Bizel-Bizellot Cavity Qualification Team

WP Budget and cost-book 14 Costs for spare high-β cavities – HPR rework costs included – Costs based as of 31 st January 2013 – No inflation or contingency factored in Many UK IKC contributions currently identified and approved – Funding restrictions are now in place in terms of increasing project scope  UK IKC agreed costs for spare high-β cavities £25.5M (without VAT and contingency) −Factored at today’s prices and includes inflation

WP Major Procurements 15 Niobium Material Provisional Nb quotes received from Wah Chang, Tokyo Denkai & Ningxia. Awaiting quote from Heraeus: Based upon drawings supplied by CEA Saclay Inflation costs of Nb uncertain  Updated Nb specifications received from CEA  Need to agree finalised specification with ESS Supplier timescales acceptable Preparation of specification and procurement documentation will start shortly Cavity Fabrication Refined quotes obtained from RI, AES, MHI. Discussions held with Zanon : Drawings have been supplied by CEA  Finalised engineering drawings need to be agreed by ESS  Cavity process requirements to be defined by ESS  ESS to provide tolerance requirements to aid HOM management Cavity suppliers will need to be qualified ESS/CEA/STFC/INFN coordination process is critical to ensure specifications/drawings/procedures are collectively agreed and utilised.

WP Top risks Top risks (1 slide) – Present Sub-system’s top 3-5 risks – Describe ongoing and planned risk treatment activities 16

WP Top risks 17 Nb Defects – Agreed during the TAC that Eddy current scanning is the best way forward – Needs to be agreed how this is to be achieved Procurement Management – Suffering long delays in procurement due to changes in the process – Mitigation strategy:- Elevated within SBS (Procurement provider) Identified SBS resource and regular communication on progress Procurement plan has been developed with John Webber (ESS Program Office) Documentation for major procurement to be started as early  Nb material and cavity procurement will need finalised specification from ESS as soon as possible HOM Management Special care on the cavity cells shape (especially near the equator) has to be taken for the production cavities Rigorous validation of fabrication procedure to be performed by CEA Saclay prior to STFC purchase of fabricated cavities Tuning procedures to be defined and provided by CEA Saclay and adhered to with chosen cavity fabricator On going evaluation being undertaken at CEA Saclay in conjunction with work being performed by Roger Jones group at Manchester University

Next Six Months All orders for the Test Facility to have been raised Monitoring of vendors for delivery of Test Facility Finalise and sign-off the Technical Annex Specification documentation complete and ready to progress tender for Nb material Commencement of staff training Commencement of development of procedures 18 Linked

WP Summary Programme of work has commenced – August 2015 project kick-off STFC project delivery and milestones agreed – Technical Annex not yet approved – Need to understand and agree potential requirement for Eddy current scanning IKC cost for the high-β cavities agreed and fixed STFC project governance processes now in place – Delivery team now in place Infrastructure requirements are defined and procurement is on-going Project delivery risks identified and mitigation strategies being prepared STFC has a plan for the provision of the high-β elliptical cavities which still meets the timescales for the ESS schedule STFC needs to have strong coordination with ESS/CEA & INFN to ensure requirements and timescales are fully integrated: − Specifications, drawings, procedures, QA processes and project management integration is critical for successful delivery. 19