Anotace Didaktický učební materiál je určený pro žáky 3. ročníku maturitního oboru SOŠ. Prezentace seznamuje žáky se základnímu údaji o životě autora a jeho podává stručný přehled jeho děl. Materiál inovuje výuku využitím interaktivní tabule, na které žáci mohou doplňovat požadované odpovědi. Metodický pokyn DUM slouží k prezentaci nového učiva, nácviku porozumění textu, rozvíjení slovní zásoby a osvojování nových poznatků.
One of the most famous English writers of the Victorian era Born in Portsmouth in 1812 Spent most of his life in London Left school to work in a factory after his father was imprisoned Little formal education
Editor of a weekly journal Author of 15 novels and hundreds of short stories Campaigned for children´s rights, education and other social reforms Died in London in 1870 Buried in Poet´s Corner in Westminster Abbey
Greatest and the most popular novelist of the Victorian period One of the best-known English authors During his lifetime his works enjoyed popularity and fame He often published his works as series in newspapers Master of realism and comedy „Idealised“ characters and sentimental scenes in contrast with caricatures and social truth Author of some of the world´s well-known fictional characters
His stories are mixture of fantasy and realism He wrote satire of British aristocratic snobbery He created characters with whimsical names Oliver Twist – the name given to the character at random. TWIST = to turn the body with quick sharp movements and often change direction. It refers to the twists and turns of fortune in his life. It can also mean the surprising ending of the story.
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, monthly serial, 1837 The Adventures of Oliver Twist, monthly serial, 1839 The Old Curiosity Shop, weekly serial, 1840 A Christmas Carol, 1843 David Copperfield, monthly serial, Little Dorrit, monthly serial, A Tale of Two Cities, weekly serial, 1859 Great Expectations, weekly serial,
THE PICKWIC PAPERS LITTLE DORRIT A CHRISTMAS CAROL DAVID COPPERFIELD THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP A TALE OF TWO CITIES This novel is a series that follow the adventures of Samuel Pickwick and the other members of a club that he has founded. The novel is noted for its comic yet well-detailed description of life in England at the beginning of the 19th century. THE PICKWIC PAPERS
LITTLE DORRIT A CHRISTMAS CAROL DAVID COPPERFIELD THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP A TALE OF TWO CITIES This story is well-known, either from reading the book or seeing one of the many film and stage adaptations. The surname of the main character Ebenezer Scrooge has become a synonym for any ungenerous person. In the story, Scrooge becomes a good man after being visited by three ghosts – the ghosts of Christmas past, Christmas present and Christmas future. A CHRISTMAS CAROL
THE PICKWIC PAPERS LITTLE DORRIT A CHRISTMAS CAROL DAVID COPPERFIELD THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP A TALE OF TWO CITIES The journey of the main character to maturity and success is very difficult. He has to deal with factory work, poverty and the cruelty of his step-father. At the same time he is able to find love and support from his family and friends. DAVID COPPERFIELD
THE PICKWIC PAPERS LITTLE DORRIT A CHRISTMAS CAROL DAVID COPPERFIELD THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP A TALE OF TWO CITIES The novel´s first sentence, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” is one of the most famous lines in English literature. The time described in the book is the period of the French Revolution. The book compares life in Paris and London, showing the hard life of people in both cities, as well as satirising the upper-class and the revolutionaries. A TALE OF TWO CITIES
THE PICKWIC PAPERS LITTLE DORRIT A CHRISTMAS CAROL DAVID COPPERFIELD THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP A TALE OF TWO CITIES A story of a little girl born in a prison for debtors. She and her family have lived there her entire life, and the girl only leaves during the day to work as a dressmaker for Mrs Clennam. But when Mrs Clennam´s son returns from China, the girl´s fortunes are about to change. LITTLE DORRIT
BLEAK HOUSE THE PICKWIC PAPERS LITTLE DORRIT A CHRISTMAS CAROL DAVID COPPERFIELD THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP A TALE OF TWO CITIES One of Dickens´s saddest tales. The story of Nell, a beautiful young girl, and her grandfather, who live in his shop full of unnecessary things. Dickens also shows his readers the conditions of life in London and the surrounding countryside. THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP
Charles Dickens. [online]. [cit ]. Dostupý z: < Bridge: The EasyWay to English. Praha: Bridge Publishing House, 2011, roč. 15, č. 3. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Dr. Anna Štiplová.