WELCOME TO Mrs. Ferchland’s Room
Introductions: A Brief But Not Entirely Short Enlightening Fall 2015
What I did this summer…
Harry and Pippin
A Few Authors I Roald Dahl – (c ) Best known for his children’s stories and ironic short stories (children and adult fiction) Beverly Cleary- (c Present) Best known for the Ramona Quimby book series, among others Judy Blume- (c Present) Author of 33 books, including many children’s, middle, and young adult novels. C. S. Lewis - (c ) Best known for Narnia series J. K. Rowling – (c Present) Best know for Harry Potter series
The set-up Class will be divided into these sections: Updating Planner Bell Ringer Vocabulary English/Writing Novel ANY left over time will be used for completion of ELA homework or silent reading.
Choices and Consequences 8 th grade rules and consequences 2 Lunch detentions in a week = after school Afterschool Must be signed by you and your parent. Must be returned to me promptly. No bartering for lunch detentions. What will you be doing? I’m glad you asked
WHAT YOU MAY DO: My Expectations Show up ON TIME. YOU MUST HAVE ALL YOUR MATERIALS. (PENS, PENCILS, PAPER, ETC.) You may borrow needed items if you RETURN them. If I am missing things, I will no longer allow borrowing. Be prepared for class (That means no, “Um, I forgot.”). Participate (Yep. This time you have to give a hoot.). THIS MEANS NO BEAUTIFYING, GOSSIP SESSIONS, DRAMTIC OUTBURSTS, SO ON) TALK TO ME.
Classroom Procedures You will need a three-ring binder, loose leaf paper, a 1-subject notebook, pens and pencils, and a highlighter. Word to the wise: If I have a Power Point, you might want to take notes on things you need to remember. DO NOT ASK ME IF YOU SHOULD TAKE NOTES. YOU’RE IN 8 TH GRADE FOR PITY’S SAKE. The binders can be left NEATLY on the back bookshelf if you so choose. YOU are responsible for your binder. Not me. Books: You may not take any of my books from the room. Period.
Procedures Continued You have 5 bathroom passes every 9 weeks. That’s it. USE THEM WISELY. Note: They may not be used during lectures. AT ALL. Food – If there are wrappers or crumbs left in my room, you will lose the right to food, treats, candy for the rest of the year. Phones – If I see it or hear it, I will take it. You will be able to retrieve it after school (as well as pick up your afterschool detention).
PROCEDURES CONTINUED NO LATE WORK! NONE. Late work defined: Any assignment in which you had prior knowledge of. In other words, if you skip the day of the test or “get sick” on an essay due date, YOU ARE LATE!
“I’ve Been gone!!!!” Here’s how it works: 1. The rainbow colored cart is your new best friend. It contains the handouts for each week. Each drawer is labeled by week, inside the drawers are labeled by day. If you are going to be gone for more than one day, you need to keep up in one of two ways: 1. Contact a friend- Ask them to pick up your handouts and supplies. 2. Check Teacherweb. I do update it. EVERY DAY.
Teacherweb Need to know what’s going on? Never Fear! TEACHERWEB IS HERE! erchland/apt1.aspx
Grading ELA is divided into two sections: Reading and English Reading Breakdown English Breakdown Participation 10% Participation 10% (bell ringers)Class work 20%Assessments 50%Unit Exam 20%
The Bunny The Rules: 1. Sherlock is to be treated with respect. 2. You are NOT ALLOWED to take him out of his cage without permission. 3. You are NOT ALLOWED to feed him without permission. Even then, he eats ONLY WHAT I GIVE YOU. 4. If you see that he needs something, please let me know. Do not take it upon yourself to take care of it. If any of these rules are broken, you will be given an AUTOMATIC AFTERSCHOOL DETENTION.