ART I. A B A B A B AB B A AB Everyone’s definition and perception of what is beautiful or pleasing to the eye is different… What one person believes.


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Presentation transcript:








Everyone’s definition and perception of what is beautiful or pleasing to the eye is different… What one person believes to be ideal, or beautiful in art will differ from one individual to the next…

In art, we call these different tastes and perceptions of beauty AESTHETICS. The aesthetic of a work of art may also include the nature of the work and the function, or set of “rules” it was created by…


When Images. Objects, Subject Matter are easily recognizable within an artwork… These works may vary in their degree of realism, but there is no question about what the artist is depicting.

Realism JohannesVe rmeer Depicting objects, figures, or landscape as seen or realistically. Antonio Canaletto

Claude Monet Leonardo Da Vinci Abstraction within representational

 Abstraction indicates a departure from reality or accurate representation  This departure can be only slight, or it can be partial, or it can be complete.  Think distortion or exaggeration!  Abstraction exists along a continuum. Vincent Van Gogh Kathe Kollwitz Henri Matisse

Picasso one of the first true abstract artists his movement called cubism Pablo Picasso

 Takes nothing from reality.  It is created purely for aesthetic reasons.  The intent of Non-objective art is to use the elements and principles of art in a way that results in a visually stimulating work. Piet Mondrian Andy Goldsworthy Alexander Calder Jackson Pollock

Surrealism art deals with the subconscious or non-rational significance of imagery arrived at by unexpected juxtapositions, dream like events, etc. Fantasy art concerns mythological, magical, and supernatural themes. Rene Magritte Salvador Dali


In your group, categorize the works of art based on whether the work is: REPRESENTATIONAL ABSTRACT NON-OBJECTIVE SURREAL