Several types of HFV HFPPV HFJV HFOV
Principles of Oscillation Richard F. Kita BS, RRT, RCP Edited by Paula Lussier, CRT, NPS, RCP, BS
HFOV Hi-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation Small volumes of gas are moved in and out of ETT Frequency: cycles/min or 3-15 Hz Vt<Vd Active Inspiration and Exhalation
HFOV Development Improve gas exchange in patients with severe respiratory failure Decrease ventilator lung injuries prevent volutrauma decrease exposure to high FIO2 Reduce lung morbidity Allow severe pulmonary airleaks to heal
HFOV Indications Persistent air leak PIE
HFOV Indications Persistent respiratory failure associated with: RDS Pneumonia MAS Congenital diaphragmatic hernia Pulmonary hemmorage
HFOV Contraindications Shock
HFOV - Theory of Operation Specifically Sensormedic 3100A The driver/oscillator is magnetically driven like an audio speaker Provides a push/pull of the entire bias gas flow Push/pull creates an oscillatory (sinusoidal ) wave E.G. Throwing a stone in a pond.
HFOV - Theory of Operation
Gas movement occurs by : “shaking gas into and out of the alveoli” Enhanced molecular movement Enhanced convection
HFOV - Theory of Operation Oscillatory Wave is characterized by three factors: Mean Airway Pressure (Paw) - the average pressure throughout one cycle Amplitude - the size of the pressure wave Frequency - the number of cycles per minute All controlled by electrical current through the electromagnet
HFOV - Theory of Operation All pressures are measured at circuit wye. Distal pressures are lower due to attenuation
Goals of HFOV Decrease Pulmonary Injury Sequence (PIS) Oxygenation Ventilation
Pulmonary Injury Sequence Tidal volume breathing in a surfactant deficient lung can lead to injury Surfactant replacement can reduce lung injury Decreasing tidal volume breathing can reduce lung injury Optimizing lung volume can reduce lung injury
Oxygenation Goals Maximize gas exchange area Oxygenation is related more to alveolar recruitment and mean airway pressure Minimize pulmonary vascular resistance Optimize cardiac/pulmonary blood flow
Oxygenation Goals Directly related to lung inflation utilize MAP to create a continuously distending lung pressure Find the Optimal Lung Volume (maximize gas exchange area) improve alveolar compliance decrease regional over distension decrease lung injury / PVR Generally increasing MAP: Recruits alveoli (improved lung volume)
Oxygenation Goals Optimal Lung Volume strategy: Start MAP: Improves Ventilation/Perfusion matching Dependant on FIO2 Neonatal: 1-2 cwp higher than conventional ventilation Improves oxygenation
Optimal Lung Volume For neonates: Early intervention: MAP cwp Early lung injury: MAP cwp Late lung Injury: Map > 18 cwp
Optimal Lung Volume Determined by CXR Right diaphragm at ribs of expansion Intercostal bulging / flattened diaphragms Once reached, wean FIO2 before MAP
Over Distension Can cause pCO2 to increase Compress pulmonary capillary blood vessels Increase PVR
Ventilation For CV Minute Ventilation = Rate x Vt For HFOV Minute Ventilation = Rate x (Vt) squared Increase frequency, decrease Vt Decrease frequency, increase Vt
Ventilation Frequency is measured in Hz 1 Hz = 60 cycles/min Usual neonatal range: 8-15 Hz Preterm infant with severe RDS: Hz Preterm infant with mild RDS or early chronic changes: Hz Term infant with severe pneumonia or MAS: 8 Hz
Ventilation Amplitude of the oscillatory wave (delta P) is set by adjusting the Power Control Increasing Delta P, increases the amplitude of the oscillatory wave Measured at circuit wye Remember, the Delta P is markedly attenuated by the time it reaches the alveoli Increasing the Delta P, increases chest movement and decreases CO2 Small Delta P changes can result in large CO2 changes
Ventilation Amplitude Neonates: In general start at same level as PIP on conventional ventilation Early intervention: Delta P cwp Lung injury: Delta P > 25 cwp
Ventilation In all patients adjust the Delta P for “Chest Wiggle” Chest wiggle is the chest movement observed on the patient Chest Wiggle Assessment: 1+: to the nipple line 2+: to the navel 3+: to or past the groin Goal is for chest wiggle to reach the navel
Ventilation Percent Inspiratory Time is always set to 33%, resulting in an I:E Ratio of 1:2
Ventilation Bias Flow or the continuous flow through the circuit is measured in LPM. For setup and calibration the flow is adjusted to 20 LPM In general larger patients need more flow: Premature infant < 1000 grams, flow = 6-8 LPM Premature infant grams, flow = LPM Term infant with MAS flow = LPM
Weaning After reaching Optimal Lung Volume, wean FIO2 < 40% as tolerated Wean MAP and Delta P as patient improves As compliance increases mean lung volume will increase MAP goals of 8-12 cwp Frequency is usually not changed once initially set Go slow Can be weaned directly from HFOV to extubation, or another mode of ventilation