Cumin: Spice (whole or ground) Description: Dried fruit from a plant in the parsley family Flavor: Slightly bitter, pungent, nutty, hot Uses: Chili and curry powder blends, fish, lamb, pickling, sausages; Middle Eastern, Asian and Mediterranean recip es
Thyme: Fresh or dried, crushed or ground Description: placed beneath pillows to aid sleep and ward off nightmares. Flavor: Strong and clove like Uses: Meats & rubs, soups, Italian dishes, seafood & vegetables.
White Pepper: Whole or Ground Description: consists of the seed of the pepper plant alone, with the darker colored skin of the pepper fruit removed. Flavor: slightly different flavor from black pepper due to the lack of compounds present in skin layer Uses: Chinese cooking or in dishes like salad, light- colored sauces or mashed potatoes, where black pepper would visibly stand out
Cardamom: Whole or Ground Description: recognized by the small seed pod with a thin papery outer shell and small black seeds inside Flavor: strong, unique taste, with an intensely aromatic, distinctly smokey, though not bitter, aroma with a coolness some consider similar to mint Uses: With curry, rice and Indian dishes
Basil: Herb (fresh leaves, or dried and crumbled) Description: Most varieties have green leaves. Member of the mint family. Flavor: Sweet clove-like flavor, pungent Uses: Chicken, eggs, fish, pasta, tomatoes, Italian and Mediterranean recip es
Description: Gnarled and bumpy root from the ginger plant Flavor: Peppery, slightly sweet with a pungent and spicy aroma Uses: Cakes, cookies, marinades; Chinese, Jamaican and German recipes; DON'T substitute dry ginger powder for recipes specifying fresh ginge r. Ginger: Spice (fresh, dried, crystallized or ground)
Red Pepper: crushed seeds & skin or Ground Description: cayenne pepper is used, especially in its dried and powdered form Flavor: mild spice to extremely hot (depending on how much is used). Uses: key ingredient in a variety of hot sauces, particularly those employing vinegar as a preservative. Cayenne pepper is often spread on sandwiches or similar items to add a spicy flavor. Buffalo-wing sauce contains Cayenne pepper.
Description: Gray-brown, oval seeds from the nutmeg tree. Mace is the spice obtained from the membrane of the seeds. Flavor: Nutty, warm, spicy, sweet Uses: Beverages, cakes, cookies, sauces, sweet potato e s Nutmeg: Spice (whole or ground)
Description: Dark-brown, pea-size berries from the evergreen pimento tree. Also called Jamaica pepper. Flavor: Pungent, sweet mixture of cinnamon, clove and nutmeg flavors Uses: Breads, cakes, cookies, fruit sauce recip es Allspice: Spice (whole or ground)
Parsley: Herb (fresh leaves or crumbled dried) Description: It is a member of the carrot family and is part of a bouquet garni in Europe Flavor: Refreshing and slightly sweet Uses: Stocks, soups & sauces; tabboulah, garnish, casseroles
Cilantro: Herb (fresh leaves or crumbled dried) Description: Member of the mint family, related to marjoram and thyme Flavor: Pungent & slightly citrus Uses: Stews, root-veggies & tex-mex dishes
Description: Flavor: Mint is strong and sweet with a tangy flavor and a cool after taste. Uses: mint in salad dressings, flavored tea, and zesty marinades. Stir into warmed apple or currant jelly for a quick meat sauce or dessert topping. Mint: Herb
Paprika: Spice (ground) Description: Dried red peppers ground into a powder Flavor: Slightly bitter, ranging from sweet to hot Uses: Dips, fish, poultry, salads (potato and egg), soups; necessary ingredient in goula sh
Lemon Zest: Seasoning Description: prepared by scraping or cutting from the outer, colorful skin of citrus fruits such as lemon, orange and lime. Zest is used to add flavor ("zest") to foods. Flavor: Specific to the fruit was taken from Uses: pastries and sweets, such as pies (lemon meringue pie), cakes, cookies, biscuits, puddings, confectionery, candy and chocolate, marmalades, sauces, sorbet and salads.
Cayenne Pepper: Spice (flakes or ground) Description: also known in its powdered form as red pepper. It is red colored when ripened but also eaten green. The fruits are dried and ground and sifted to make the powdered spice. Flavor: Very spicy! It is generally rated at 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville units. Uses: spicy dishes, vinegar-based sauce, hot sauces, spread on sandwiches or in buffalo sauce.
Pumpkin Pie Spice: Blend Description: A warmly sweet blend of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, allspice, mace and cloves. Flavor: Warm and sweet with a hint of spice Uses: Pie (of course), pancakes, sweet potatoes, baked apples and hot chocolate.
Sage: Herb Description: I t has been grown for centuries for its food and healing properties. It is considered one of the essential herbs. Flavor: It has a savory, slightly peppery flavor Uses: European, Italian, Balkan and Middle Eastern cuisines. In American cooking, it is traditionally served as sage and onion stuffing, an accompaniment to roast turkey or chicken at Christmas or Thanksgiving Day
Curry: Blend Description: A blend of spices that is usually “hot or spicy” Flavor: The main spices found in most South Asian curry powders are turmeric, coriander, and cumin. Uses: Dishes called "curry" may contain meat, poultry, fish, or shellfish. Many are also vegetarian, especially among those who hold ethical or religious stipulations against eating meat or seafood
Dill: Herb Description: the fernlike leaves of dill are aromatic. Flavor: soft, sweet, citrusy, but also slightly bitter Uses: Fish dishes, borscht and other soups, as well as pickles
Marjoram: Herb Description: It is often used in herb combinations such as herbes de Provence or combined with oregano Flavor: s weet pine and citrus flavors Uses: seasoning soups, stews, dressings and sauce
Mustard: Spice Description: Mustard seeds are from the mustard plant, which is a cruciferous vegetable related to broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage Flavor: spicy, aromatic rustic taste Uses: Stir fries ( toss them in oil with finely minced aromatics like ginger and garlic)
Turmeric: Spice Description: super-spice that has a high antioxidant value and boosts the immune system. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and is popular among those with arthritis and joint problems Flavor &Uses: soups and stews as it gives them a rich, warm flavor and a beautiful color
Anise: Spice Description: to the seeds of a plant with aromatic leaves and stems Flavor: taste like licorice, fennel or tarragon. Uses: Aniseed is used in a various baked goods and desserts, for example Italian biscotti. Anise seeds are also frequently used in making sausage.
Oregano: Herb Description: often referred to as the "pizza spice" or a Greek herb Flavor: pungent leaves and is regarded as a very strong herb Uses: Italian and Greek cooking, soups, stews and sauces, veggies, sauces, pizza