Introductions Graduate Students in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Your group – Introduce yourself to your mentor
iSense How do we sense plants? – Today we are going to touch, taste, see, and smell plants. How do we use plants? – In your group make a list of all the ways you’ve interacted with a plant today.
Our interactions with plants: Catnip Medicine Clothes Repellant Ethanol Food Oxygen Paper House Makeup Dynamite Hedge rows Instruments Toothpaste Paint/pigment Scents Soap Boats
Seeing Plants Plants are responsible for a significant part of our lives Plants are really diverse
Seeing and Smelling Plants Can you match the seed, fruit, or spice with the adult plant?
A I /09/wednesday-walk.html melon.html ml J K L M Match the mature plant to the fruit your tasting! Match the spice to the picture of the mature plant – share images!
Plant Senses How do plants interact with their environment? – Touch Touch Light: through chemicals that tell the plant where light is and collect light for photosynthesis. Does anyone know what photosynthesis is?
Chromatography We are going to use chemicals to separate the different pigments from within a leaf. Follow the instructions of your leader.
Enter your Rf data here Type of plantRf of Chlorophyll b Rf of Chlorophyll a Rf of Xanthophyll Rf of Carotene Coleus with green leaves Coleus with yellow leaves Coleus with purple leaves
Hearing Plants Listen to how plants sound if we used a REALLY expensive microphone Listen – The sound you hear is plants responding to the people in the room!
Answer Key for iSense Plant Matchup A.Banana – note that the seeds are not fertile because all bananas are cloned. B.Clove – the flower buds are what is used of the spice and it is an evergreen plant C.Poppy – this plant also produces opium which is used in a lot of pain killers D.White mustard – it is in the Brassicaceae and it’s closest relatives are broccoli and cabbage E.Turmeric – is in the ginger family and the spice comes from ground rhizomes (underground stem) F.Cumin – carrot family; seeds are harvested by hand! G.Dill – carrot family; H.Allspice – dried unripe fruit; comes from an evergreen shrub I.Cactus pear (prickly pear) – you can find these growing in the wild north of Chicago J.Kiwano melon – African horned melon; often considered the ancestor of other cultivated melons K.Asian pear – created from the cultivation of a cross between apples and pears L.Feijoa – closely related to guava and is used in some natural products as an exfoliant M.Persimmons Fuyu – contain a high level of tannins and this variety is an astringent persimmons
J E D C B F G H I K L M All images from Wikipedia