Stems Stems are adapted to the environment that the plant is in, so stems may look very different. The stems of plants have several functions: Hold the plant upright and support the leaves Carry water up the plant and food down from the leaves to other parts of the plant Plant defenses thorns, prickles, and stinging hairs
Stems Carry water up the plant and food down from the leaves to other parts of the plant Also prevents wilting Xylem in celery to take in H 2 O
Many Stems are Edible Asparagus, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Celery, Nopal Cinnamon: The bark is used as a spice. Garlic and Onion: They are bulbs which are modified stems for food storage. Ginger Root: The edible portion is a branched underground stem called a rhizome. Potato: The edible portion is an underground stem that is also a tuber. Sassafras Tree: The shoots and stem bark can be used to make root beer.
Leaves Leaves have many shapes and sizes, all depending on the environment and how much sunlight the plant needs.
A Leaf’s Job The main function of leaves is to make food through photosynthesis and release oxygen. They can also protect the plant: prickles and spines.
Protection Some plants can protect themselves from herbivores/omnivores ◦ toxins ◦ leaf defenses ◦ thorns/hairs
nightshade poison ivy Chinese lantern
Leaf Prickles Ocotillo Spines Spines
Stinging Hairs Bark Rose Prickles
Reproduction If members of a species do not reproduce, that species will die out Many adaptations help plants disperse their pollen and/or seeds