Direct Objects and Direct Object Pronouns
What word in a sentence is the direct object? A direct object tells who or what receives the action of the verb. Example: Bill hit the ball. Ask yourself: Bill hit what? Answer: the ball = direct object Example: I love Paco. Ask yourself: I love who? Answer: Paco = direct object
Spanish Examples: Compro los guantes. Ask yourself: what did I buy? Answer: los guantes Necesito hablar a Paco. Ask yourself: who do I need to talk to? Answer: Paco
Using Direct Object Pronouns to Replace Direct Objects To avoid repeating a direct object noun, you can replace it with a direct object pronoun. Ex. Bill hit the ball. ball = direct object Bill hit it. it = direct object pronoun Ex. Compro los guantes. los guantes = direct object Los compro. los = direct object pronoun
What are the direct object pronouns in Spanish? SingularPlural me (me)nos (us) te (you informal) ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ M: lo (him, it, you (formal)) F: la (her, it, you (formal)) M: los > (them, you plural) F: las
How do you know which direct object pronoun to use? Direct object pronouns agree in gender and number with the nouns they replace. Ex. Tengo una pulsera. 1) I have what: una pulsera (singular/feminine) 2) una pulsera = la Ex. La chica habla a Paco y yo. 1) The girl talks to who: Paco y yo (nosotros) 2) Paco y yo = nos
How do you know which direct object pronoun to use? Ex. Hablamos a Gloria. 1) We talk to who: Gloria 2) Gloria = la Ex. Necesita las camisetas. 1) Shu needs what: las camisetas 2) las camisetas = las
Where does a direct object pronoun go in a sentence with 1 verb? A direct object pronoun comes BEFORE the CONJUGATED verb. Ex. Compro el libro. 1) I buy what? = el libro 2) el libro = lo 3) Lo compro. (It I buy.)
Where does a direct object pronoun go in a sentence with 1 verb? Ex. Busco una cadena. La busco. (I look for it.) Ex. Lee las revistas. Las lee. (She reads them.) Ex. Ven Paco y yo. Nos ven. (They see us.) Ex. Mi madre habla a los chicos. Mi madre los habla.