Lord, show us Your mercy and love. Show us Your mercy, show us Your love.
I will hear what You proclaim: words of peace for all. Show us Your mercy, show us Your love.
You are always near to those who seek salvation. Show us Your mercy, show us Your love.
Lord, show us Your mercy and love. Show us Your mercy, show us Your love.
How Your glory fills the earth, flowing through our land! Show us Your mercy, show us Your love.
Kindness and truth shall meet, peace and justice kiss. Show us Your mercy, show us Your love.
Lord, show us Your mercy and love. Show us Your mercy, show us Your love.
Fountains of truth shall spring up fresh from the earth. Show us Your mercy, show us Your love.
Justice shall smile upon the earth from up in heaven. Show us Your mercy, show us Your love.
Lord, show us Your mercy and love. Show us Your mercy, show us Your love.
You provide ev’rything we need. Oh, You provide a land that gives us food.
Holy God, let justice walk before You, and peace will light the way.
Lord, show us Your mercy and love. Show us Your mercy, show us Your love.