1. I can name and identify the characteristics of the Five Themes of Geography. Movement – The transportation of goods, people, and ideas. Region – Geographical area that is defined by certain similar characteristics. Place - The physical and human characteristic of a place. Human / Environmental Interaction – How humans and the environment interact with each other. Location – Where something is found.
2. I can use longitude and latitude to identify a place’s absolute location. Philadelphia, USA Cairo, Egypt St. Petersburg, Russia Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Sydney, Australia (40°N, 75°W) (30°N, 31°E) (60°N, 30°E) (23°S, 43°W) (34°S, 151°E)
3. I can identify in which hemispheres a place is located. Philadelphia, USA Cairo, Egypt St. Petersburg, Russia Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Sydney, Australia Northern & Western Northern & Eastern Northern and Eastern Southern & Western Southern & Eastern
4. I can identify the imaginary lines that separate a globe into zones. The equator separates the globe in to Northern & Southern hemispheres. The prime meridian separates the globe into Western & Eastern hemispheres.
5. I can identify different map types (physical, political, climate, ect.) Political Climate Physical
I can accurately draw a compass rose.
Prime Meridian 0* Longitude = ???
I can define place. The physical and human characteristics of a location
A forest cut down in order to make a highway is an example of which theme of geography? Human Environment Interaction
Texans enjoy rodeos, country music, and barbeque. Which theme of geography does this illustrate? Region!
124 Conch Street, Bikini Bottom, Pacific Ocean: Is an example of what type of location? Absolute
“Squidward lives between a pineapple and a rock” is an example of what type of location? Relative
When Mr. Amore sends you a text with Remind101, that demonstrates which theme of geography? Movement
Which part of the map helps you determine distances and the size of the map? The scale
Which part of the map explains what all the symbols mean? Map Key or Legend
I can locate the “Ring of Fire” on a world map.
I can explain how earthquakes occur.
0* Latitude = ??? The equator
Which disaster is more likely to occur in Africa: a hurricane, drought, or earthquake? Drought
Can volcanoes occur underwater?
What is the difference between a hurricane and a typhoon? Hurricanes occur in the Atlantic Ocean and a typhoons occur in the Pacific Ocean.
I can explain how tsunamis occur. An earthquake occurs under or near water.
Where do earthquakes usually occur? Along a fault line
Which is more common in Michigan: a landslide or a tornado?
Is an earthquake more likely to occur in California or Kansas? California