Economic Man Economic men are those Homo-Sapiens who are never satisfied with their present standard of living. In order to achieve a better standard of living and to achieve the goals they always try to engage themselves in maximum number of economic activities. They involve themselves in primary, secondary and tertiary activities. They always try to conduct their activities in a cost effective manner. The cost effective activities entail maximization of profit and minimization of cost.
Characteristics of Economic man: Almost 90% Homo Sapiens are Economic men. Economic men are not satisfied with their present standard of living. Try to involve economic activities to increase their income. Conduct their activities in a cost effective manner. Increase income so that they achieve better standard of living.
Origin of Homo Sapiens The planet earth is the only habitable place in the universe. It is habitable for living organisms. The age of our planet earth is approximately 4.8 billion years. 2 millions years ago Homo-Sapiens first arrived in the Pleistocene period. At first they arrived at Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia (Horn of Africa), Caucasus mountain area and Greater Mongolia.
Different races of the world Race is a classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by: heritable phenotypic characteristics, geographic ancestry, physical appearance, and ethnicity.
A race is a great subdivision of mankind, members of which though varying individually, are characterized as a group by a certain combination of measurable features which have been derived from a common ancestor
There are some common physical features that are measured by an anthropologist such as Skin color Height Shape of Head Nose Eye Face Type of hair
Different Races: Caucasoid Race The physical trait of Caucasoid are Skin colour is white to olive brown Height is medium to tall Face is narrow to medium broad Eyes are light blue to dark brown Hair is strait to wavy
Different Races: Caucasoid Race It is assumed that the Caucasoid have been developed in west Siberia and then gradually diffuse the whole world. They are now found in a wide belt from north west Europe to the Indian subcontinent, including northern Africa and parts of Asiatic Russia.
Different Races: Negroid Race The physical trait of negroid are: Skin colour is brown to brown black Height is very short to tall Face is medium broad to narrow Eyes are brown to brown black Hair is brown black and wooly
Negroid originated in Sahara region of west Africa. Now the whole African country fall on this group. Different Races: Negroid Race
The physical trait of mongoloid is: Skin colour is yellow to brown Height is medium Face is medium broad to very broad Eyes are dark brown Hair is strait and black They are found in Siberia, east and southeast Asia and America. Different Races: Mongoloid Race