Michael Teague
Scientific Name for Cattle Genius= Bos “Cattle” Species= 1) Taurus “European” 2) Indicus “Indian” Top 3 Cattle Producing States #1 Texas #2 Kansas #3 Nebraska Has handout notes
Beef Male/Female Terms Cow= Female that has given birth. Heifer= Female that has not given birth. Bull= intact male. Steer= Castrated male. Beef Breeds Power Point Leading Dairy States #1 California #2 Wisconsin #8 Texas Homogenization= Distributes fat throughout milk. Pasturization= A heating process that extends the shelf life of milk, which allowed the dairy industry to go from a cow at each farm, to mega big dairies clustered at different regions around the US.
Dairy Breed Production Characteristics Jersey- Highest in % butterfat 4.7%. Holstein- Highest in pound of milk produced. About 20,000 # per lactation. Percentage of Total Registered Dairy Animals by Breed Holstein 83% Jersey 13% Dairy Breed Power Point Three Species of the Horse 1.Horse 2.Ass or Donkey 3.Zebra Horse Male/Female Terms Mare= Mature female Stud= intact male Gelding= Castrated male Filly= Young female
Today the horse is used more as an animal for pleasure than an animal for work. Three Classes of the Horse Light- Appaloosa “examples” Ponies- Shetland Draft- Clydesdale Goat Meat Terms Chevon= general meat term Cabrito= meat from kid goat Chevon and mutton are ethnic food locally.
Sheep Breed Power Point Click box for movie
The modern poultry industry is very efficient in producing meat and eggs. Leading Poultry States Broilers- Georgia Eggs- Iowa Chicken Terms Broiler “fryer”= meat production Pullet= egg production Capon= cut male, 4-7 pounds dressed, cooked by roasting. Turkey Male/Female Terms Tom= male Hen= female
Swine Breeds Power Point
Cattle Producer Types *Purebreed - Good can set selling price Bad expensive to get into Bad few master breeders, tough to get reputation Bad fickled breed popularity by cow/calf producer *Cow/Calf – Good least costly to enter Bad selling price controlled by buyer *Slaughter- Bad large scale a must Bad low profit margin
Beef Parts Handout
Factors in Selecting a Beef Breed 1.Personal Preference 2.Availability 3.Environmental Conditions 4. Demand 5.Cost of Buying Question: Which bloodline is more important? The Bull’s or the Cow’s. In other words should you buy a good bull or good cows? Click for answer Bull Question: Is a registered animal better than a non-registered one? Click for answer Registration only shows proof of an animals ancestry.
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Dairy Parts Handout
Sheep Parts Handout
Hog parts handout
Underline 6 nipples should be on each side of an hog This is true for all breeding stock sows, gilts and boars
Chicken parts handout
Reasons for Castration A)Ease of handling B)Selective breeding C)Higher selling price Age of Animal at Cutting Cattle from 1 to 3 months Sheep 7 to 14 days Swine within the 1 st four weeks Castration Types *Blood – For sure done and quick *Bloodless- EZ on man hard on animal, may not be quick, may be dirty.
Blood Instruments 1) Knife 2) Emasculator Crushes and then cuts to reduce hemorrhaging
Bloodless Instruments Buridizzo(left)- crushes testicle cord, does not cut skin. Testicle withers and is absorbed by the body. No infection. Elastrator(right) – rubber rings are placed above the testicle, testicle withers and falls off. May cause infection.
Dehorning Advantages I.Less injury to man and beast II.Better sale price Controlling Bleeding I. Blood stop powder II. Burning “cauterizing” III. Pulling bleeders “arteries” Methods of Dehorning I.Chemical- burns the button
II. Hot Irons- may be electric or fire heated. Good on young animals.
III. Tubes- “cookie cutter” type. After cutting around base of horn, then use the slot to cut off loose horn.
IV. Barnes- popular type
V. Clipper- for larger animals VI. Hydraulic VII. Saw- good for older brittle horns VIII. Buy polled cattle
Brands should be registered in each county, that you own animals in. Branding Methods 1. Hot Iron- electric or fire heated. 2. Freeze- may produce “white hair brand” or “hairless brand” Note: fire brand on the left has cuts to prevent smudging of brand due to heat in confined locations. Freeze brand on right does not need cuts.
Other Methods of Marking Animals *Ear Tags- may be color and or number coded. *Tattoo- made in the ear, away from mid ear blood vessel.
* Ear Notching- not permanent
Put pig number on note paper
Docking= Removal of the tail. Reasons for Docking A.Ease of breeding B.Sanitation
Vial= bottle that holds medicine Vial Precautions “Typical” Protect from heat and light Storage may require refrigeration Shake before use Read directions
Types of Injections 1) Subcutaneous= between loose skin and the body. 2) Intramuscular= into the muscle. 3) Intramammary= into the teat canal. 4) Intravenous= into the jugular vein.