Designing a Career Pathways System: A Framework for State Education Agencies Southwest Pathways Conference Scottsdale, AZ GeMar Neloms Senior Technical Assistance Consultant May 2016 Copyright © 20XX American Institutes for Research. All rights reserved.
A guide for facilitators at a State Education Agency (SEA) Includes guide, handouts and supplementary resources, and PowerPoint Presentation Lead SEA through process of designing and implementing a career pathways system Designing a Career Pathways System: A Framework for State Education Agencies 2
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Supports College and Career Readiness (CCR) Accountability Business Involvement Council of Chief State School Officers JPMorgan & Chase Why Career Pathways? 3
Regional Industry Needs Unemployment Southwestern states range from 2.9%-6.2% Disproportionate for youth, Native Americans, Latino or Hispanic, African American Why Career Pathways? 4 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015, Economic Policy Institute
Involvement of key stakeholders in design and planning process Clarifying roles & responsibilities Build stakeholder knowledge Define goals & prioritize career pathway elements Chapter 1: Identifying and Engaging Key Stakeholders and Defining Goals of the Career Pathways System 5
Understand state’s career pathways landscape Mapping inventory of career readiness policies & programs Initiate labor market gap analysis Chapter 2: Mapping and Assessing Career Readiness Policies, Programs, and Industries 6
Complete & review labor market gap analysis Identify experts from target industries Prioritize industry focus & develop industry-specific pathways system Chapter 3: Designing a Career Pathways System Framework 7
Develop comprehensive work plan & monitor implementation Identify short and long- term metrics Engage stakeholders in reflection on the implementation process Chapter 4: Planning for Implementation and Continuous Improvement 8
Designing a Career Pathways System: A Framework for State Education Agencies 9 assistance-networks/career- pathawys-modules
U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (2016). Southwest Labor Force Statistics. Retrieved from: tables/ro6xg02.htm U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015) Employment and Unemployment Among Youth – Summer Retrieved from: Algernon, A. (2013). High Unemployment Means Native Americans Are Still Waiting for an Economic Recovery. Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute. Issue Brief #372. Retrieved from: References 10
GeMar Neloms (202) American Institute for Research 1000 Thomas Jefferson NW Washington, DC | 11