13.2 Terrorism Public awareness Multilateral vs unilateral Best approach? Worst approach?
Democracy and Foreign Policy?
II. Constitutional Struggle Art I. – Leg PowersArt II. – Exec Powers Declares war Power of the Purse Raises military Regulate commerce with other nations Commander-in chief Appoints ambassadors (senate approval) Negotiates treaties (senate approval)
III. The instruments of foreign policy Military Economic diplomacy
Imagine -5% decline in real GDP 20% unemployment 1.4 M barrels drop in daily oil exports $80 B hard currency reserves trapped overseas 25% inflation 40% decline in motor vehicle production
Current issues CNN overview on sanctions on iran Obama explains Iranian Deal obama doctrine (in his words) krauthammer-obama-on-iran-nuclear-deal israel on us-iranian deal
IV. Policymakers A. Pres = chief diplomat & Commander B. Congress C. Diplomats (secretary of state, State Dept) D. National security establishment 1. DOD 2. Joint Chiefs of Staff 3. Secretary of Defense 4. NSC 5. CIA
V. History of US Foreign Policy Handout provided that should serve as a refresher from US history
VI. New Global Agenda The US Interdependence in global economy New issues and tools Economic sanctions Nuclear proliferation Terrorism Global inequality Energy and the environment
I. The politics of FP Majoritarian for the most part IG politics Client politics