Elementary Principal’s Report August 11 th, 2014
Mission Statement The mission of the Pender Public School District is to provide quality educational opportunities in a safe, positive learning environment that motivates and challenges all students to become productive and responsible citizens.
Workshops/Meetings Attended Past Meetings/Trainings July 28 – New Principals Meeting August 5 – PreK ESU #1 August 6 – Pender Booster Club August 8 – GOLD Training Future Meetings/Trainings August 17 – PTECFF Founders Club Meal August 20 – East Husker Conference Meeting (Pender) August 21&22 – Aimsweb ESU #1 August 28 – ESU #1 Principals Meeting
Beginning our campaign for mentors Teammates kick off on Tuesday, Aug. 19 th with Dr. Tom Osborne. Board member Amanda Huntington attended annual training in Lincoln Please consider being a mentor! Thank you for your continued support of this program.
Elementary School Day Elementary school day will return to an 8:15 a.m. start time. Breakfast begins 7:30 a.m. Playground supervised at 7:45 a.m. Students not eating should arrive at 8:00 a.m. Students will be dismissed to classrooms between 8:05-8:10 a.m. Students will be tardy if arriving after 8:15 a.m. Elementary school day ends at 3:30 p.m.
Pendragon After School Program 3:30-5:00 p.m. daily K-6 programming (potential K-3, 4-6 split if necessary) Supervision – Pendragon Hour supervisors Linda Tyler & Kim Hofmeister Volunteer opportunity for NHS and new HS incentive program. Weekly enrichment activity which could include vocal/instrumental music, art, core area extensions, guest readers, etc. Tentative Schedule: – Snack Time – Physical Activity – Homework Help/Academic Time – Free play/Enrichment Activity Plan to use lunchroom/multipurpose room/board room/commons
End of the School Day Procedures 3:20 p.m.Dismissal Warning Announcement 3:25 p.m.Students will line up/dismiss from classrooms 3:30 p.m.*Students walking home will be dismissed through door 4 on the north side of the building. *Students riding the bus will be dismissed through the preschool door to the east side of the playground, where they will be supervised until the busses arrive. *Students being picked up by parents or guardians will dismissed through the lunchroom door to the playground where they will be lined up on the southwest sidewalk. When parents have entered the new “pick-up zone” students will allowed exit the playground. 3:45 p.m.Bus students loaded, checked off, dismissed
PPS Open House Tuesday, Aug. 19 th 6:00-8:30 p.m. Elementary – curriculum/classroom info Secondary – digital citizenship speakers TeamMates Kick Off Dr. Tom Osborne will speak at 7:30 p.m. Autographed Husker memorabilia Booster Club serving food New Pendragon clothing items for sale
Kira Swinton Taking over the role of K-6 special education teacher Native of Nebraska City, NE 2010 graduate of Peru State College Teaching in Walthill the last three years Kira and her husband Daniel live in Pender Two daughters Farris and Liberty
Elementary Extras Thursday Folders eNews Parent-Teacher Organizations PLC’s Instructional Rounds
Backpack Food Program Commitment from Pender Ministerium Needs assessment will go home with all students PK-12 Option to enroll and/or volunteer/donate to the program Contacted the Siouxland Food Bank for assistance as well.
Anticipated Elementary Enrollment Pre-School – 48 Kindergarten – 39 1 st Grade – 23 2 nd Grade – 29 3 rd Grade – 21 4 th Grade – 34 5 th Grade – 20 6 th Grade - 21
Elementary PRIDE Preparation ~ Respect ~ Integrity ~ Determination ~ Excellence Teachers will decide what it looks like in their respective classrooms Teachers/administration using the same verbiage Correlation to quarterly Pendragon Pride Assemblies Students caught doing the right thing will receive a t- shirt & recognition
Upcoming Events August 11Pre-Service Days August 12Pre-Service Days August 13First Day of School August 17 Founders Club Twin Creeks August 19Open House/TeamMates Kick Off August 20First Day of Pre-School August 20 East Husker Conference Meeting (Pender Hosts) Sept. 3Booster Club Meeting Sept. 4School Pictures