Www.coventry.gov.uk Schools Forum 09 January 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Schools Forum 09 January 2014

School Funding Update (including School Settlement)

Since last meeting Draft 2014/15 DSG settlement issued –Schools Block Pupil Numbers –Early Years 2 year olds –Provisional High Needs Transfer Submitted High needs return Applied for an exception for new commitments against contribution to combined budgets 3

2014/15 DSG Settlement 4

Pupil Numbers Early Years Block – no pupil number increase built in, will update for January census Schools Block – October 13 census, 44,643 eligible pupils (increase of 610 pupils) High Needs Block – no growth, place plus methodology, places submitted which will inform place elements, balancing figure is top up Schools Block budgets finalised today for submission of APT. Early Years and High Needs finalised later in year. 5

Early Years 2 Year old Funding September % most deprived 2 years olds (equates to 1,138) 13/14 received funding for full year plus trajectory of £1.2M September 2014 – 40% most deprived 2 year olds (equates to 2,435) Funding for 2014/15 = £6.402M –£5.699M places (1,255 for 1 term, 2,435 for 2 terms) –£0.703M trajectory Obviously building up provision… Participation – currently at approximately 70% 6

Early Years 2 Year old Funding This means we are likely to have a large underspend in 2013/14… And also in 2014/15 BUT… From 2015/16 funding will be based on participation If funding for this year was based on participation we would have received significantly less The underspend for 13/14 and 14/15 are therefore 1 off Hold within early years block and continue to use to support implementation of the offer Review position for 2015/16 budget setting 7

Provisional High Needs Transfer Expected additional DSG to transfer to reflect changed responsibilities for High Needs in FE –13/14 the transfer was from August, so only received 2/3s of the additional Basis of transfer has changed (now includes elements 1 and 2 for Post 16 – schools) Provisional figure is an additional £1.039M At 13/14 cost base this is not sufficient to cover costs BUT –Final allocation not confirmed –Needs to be updated for 14/15 costs Further work to do 8

Report back from School Funding Sub- Group; and Approval of Central Expenditure for 2014/15 9

Refer to Report Main Points School Funding Sub-group established to provide more detailed scrutiny and make recommendations to Schools Forum Schools Block - Centrally Retained services require annual approval from Schools Forum In a number of cases these cannot exceed previous year levels Large copy of appendix shows movement 10

Recommendation / Decision The Schools Forum should approve the proposed 2014/15 central budgets for equal pay back pay, Admissions, Servicing of School Forums, contribution to combined budgets, schools budget centrally funded termination of employment costs, and SEN Transport Voting: All NB any decision taken here is subject to receiving Secretary of State approval for new commitments, and Schools Forum confirming they approve Safeguarding new commitment (next item) 11

Continuation of School Funding Sub- Group Proposal for group to continue Work / Tasks –Provide continued focus on central expenditure –Follow through any further work on de-delegation (e.g. trade union review, impact of delegation on services) –Continued focus on Early Years 2 year olds, funding, and plan, and potential impact on reserves in future years Membership –Proposed to continue as is –Early Years representative 12

Contribution to Combined Budgets: Application for New Commitment 13

Still awaiting approval from Secretary of State for new commitments Domestic Violence approved at last meeting Safeguarding update –Management Post –Social work qualification Refer to Report: Main Points

To approve the new commitment for Children’s Safeguarding Voting: All NB: This is still dependent on Secretary of State approval Recommendation / Decision

Budget Setting Update 16

Headlines / Summary Cash limited – so no resource for inflationary or other pressures Some growth due to pupil number growth Other increases are locked into additional requirements (e.g. 2 year olds) Some additional investment from reserves Distribution will obviously depend on school circumstances, and pupil numbers continue to be most important factor BUT this Excludes Pupil Premium (next slide) – distributional impact 17

Pupil Premium – Projected Increase Also additional money for children adopted from care, SGO or RO – parent driven 18

DSG increase in line with settlement published (no growth for early years numbers) 2 year old and high needs post 16 – corresponding expenditure level built in – further work to do CRC national topslice – cost of £60K Local Government Pension employers contribution (see next slide) Living Wage – LA to increase rate from April 2014 to £7.65 per hour –Small increase to 14/15 budget –Individual schools who have implemented will have the choice to not apply Key issues / Changes

3 yearly review had highlighted the need for a significant increase in employer pension contributions to cover past liability Current rate is 16.5% proposed rise to 18.6% in 2014/15 and to 24% by 2016/17 Additional £563K been built in for 2014/15 Likely indications are that this will need to rise to approximately £2.0M by 2016/17 LG pension Scheme – Employers Contribution




Additional Information – Technical Adjustments Contribution from Reserves –£500K General –£335K Living Wage 13/14 –£33K Broad Spectrum Formula – transition –£30K KS2 Pupils BESD NNDR –£-78K Rates Changes, New Builds, Changing status £-78K –£ 69K Ending discretionary rate relief

Additional Information – Budget Proposals ERP Alderman’s Green –Increase of 6 places Key Stage 2 Pupils with Social & Emotional needs for up to 12 pupils £101K Budget Requirement, funded –£71K Budget setting (delayed until 2013/14) –£30K underspend c/f from 2013/14 Living Wage –£335K 2013/14 part year est. cost (contributed from reserves) –£515K 2014/15 full year est. cost (budget setting)

De-delegation Final Decision Final outstanding decision remaining in relation to new arrivals budget Primary and Secondary sector agreed to delegate MGSS and operate a buyback This may hinder ability to continue to offer the new arrivals money – operates like an insurance policy Each sector to consider whether to de-delegate the new arrivals element

De-delegation Final Decision Position after academy Buyback would operate for other elements View would need to be taken on whether buyback offered to academies

Do the Schools Forum agree to de-delegate the MGSS new arrivals money Voting: Maintained Schools group vote, primary and secondary separately Recommendation / Decision

De-delegated Services – Nil variance forecast at QTR 3 High Needs Top Up - £323K underspend forecast at QTR 3, will build into high needs budget setting to offset pressure Early Years - £1.5M underspend forecast at QTR 3, will be retained within Early Years block for future capacity building – review at end of 15/16 Provisional DSG Outturn 2013/14 – De- delegated, high needs top up, early years

Finalisation of the Schools Block Budget –Submission of APT –Issuing of Budget shares (maintained) Meeting in February will aim to finalise (as far as possible) budgets for other blocks –Further review of 2013/14 outturn –Early Years 2 year old plan (including reserves) –Post 16 high needs transfer –Followed by issuing of Budget shares (special) Other