Institutional Effectiveness: Administrative and Educational Support Assessment Units A Practical Handbook Incorporating TracDat Terminology
Table of Contents 2 TracDat 5 Unit Purpose 7 Administrative Outcome 11 Assessment Methods and Criteria 16 Results and Analysis and Use of Results 17 Student Learning Outcome 18 Sample of Administrative Outcome 19 Sample of Student Learning Outcome 20 Appendix 1 – Institutional Goals 21 Appendix 2 – Checklist for Assessment Needs 23 Appendix 3 – Worksheet for Service Outcomes 25 Appendix 4 – Worksheet for Learning Outcomes
What is TracDat? A complete software process application for managing continuous improvement throughout academic and non-academic areas of higher education institutions
TracDat Defines and aligns goals among all levels of the institution Documents how results are used to improve services and learning Real-time visibility and documentation Data stored in a single location for security and accessibility Goal and evidence based decision making
What is an Administrative and Educational Support Assessment Unit? 1.One that receives a separate budget 2.One that provides distinct services
Sample Assessment Units Alumni Relations Financial Aid Human Resources Physical Plant Advising Residential Life Distance Education
Reporting Unit Refers to the Division Unit (Dean or Vice President) that you are responsible to according to the TJC Organizational chart Divisions are: Academic Affairs Advancement/External Affairs Applied Studies Business Affairs Continuing Studies Student Affairs Support Services University Studies
Why Should Administrative and Educational Support Units Be Involved In Doing Effectiveness? 1.Continuous Quality Improvement as part of an overall process of improving services 2.To satisfy regional accrediting agencies 3.State mandates 4.Competition – to attract students by providing better institutional services
Developing a Unit Purpose Your unit’s statement of purpose describes the services you provide and the clients for whom those services are provided. It has: 1.A philosophical statement 2.A list of services, and 3.Needs to be revisited at least once a year to determine if any services have been added or deleted
Link to Institutional Goal Identification of the Specific Goal the Outcome Addresses See Appendix 1
Outcome Type Several Types of Outcomes Administrative Strategic Student Learning
Outcomes At the present time, most Administrative and Support Units have Administrative Outcomes. Student Affairs and Support Services, in particular, may also have Student Learning Outcomes. The remainder of this handbook will focus primarily on Administrative Outcomes within the complete assessment process. Student Learning Outcomes will be briefly discussed at the end.
Administrative Outcome Refers to currently existing services under the control of the unit and is worded in terms of what the unit will accomplish or what it’s clients should think, know, or do following the provision of service Probably no more than 2 outcomes per unit Importance: Forms the basis for the Unit Plan and involves participation by staff See Appendix 2
Once you have identified services, creating administrative outcomes is a piece of cake.
Administrative Outcomes Based on Currently Existing Services provide improve Name of Unit willdecrease Name of Current Service increase provide quality
Administrative Outcomes Based on Currently Existing Services Client…will be satisfied with…Name of Current Service
Administrative Outcomes Based on Currently Existing Services AES Service Verb + Outcome Tutoring Improve… Students attendingAcademic advising will Increase… Workshops Understand… Library orientations
Administrative Outcomes REMEMBER Outcomes refer to Currently Existing Services NOT Future Actions See Appendix 3
Assessment Methods and Criteria Assessment Methods are the tools, activities, and processes used to gather information and explain how the services will be measured and evaluated Criteria are specific, measurable statements identifying the requirements needed to assess the degree to which the administrative outcome was achieved
REMEMBER: Match the assessment method to the outcome and not the reverse
Types of Methods Used by Administrative and Educational Support Units Attitudinal measures of client satisfaction Direct measures or counts of unit services External validation
Attitudinal Methods are the Most Common Form of Assessment for Administrative and Educational Support Units BUT IT LEADS TO OVER SURVEYING THE STUDENTS.
Types of Attitudinal Methods Standardized: NOEL-LEVITZ ACT NCHEMS Locally Developed: Alumni Surveys Graduating Student Employer Point of contact Faculty/Staff
Direct Measures or Counts of Unit Services Volume of Activity (number of persons served) Level of Efficiency (average time for response) Measure of Quality (average errors per audit)
Examples of Administrative Applications and Assessment Admissions…………………Application Response Timing Admissions…………………Telephone Response Timing Budgets and Planning…….Budget Processes Business Services…………Payroll Distribution Campus Security…………..Availability of Parking Development……………….Mailing List Development Duplication Services……….Bulk Mail Distribution Duplication Services……….Reduction of job time
Examples of Administrative Applications and Assessment Food Services………….. Cafeteria Services Human Resources…….. Selection processes Information Technology.. Information Distribution Plant Operations……….. Work Order Response Physical Plant……………Remodeling Process Physical Plant……………Equipment Servicing Registrar’s Office………..Grade Posting Registrar’s Office………..Transcript Holds
External Validation Periodic assessment of the relationship of the department/unit’s efforts to “good and acceptable practice,” by a “neutral” person who is knowledgeable in the field Auditor Consultant Public Health Inspector Fire Marshall Peer-Professional Association
Assessment Methods and Criteria Should Include: Specificity when naming the instrument or report to be used A description of “to whom” and “when” the assessment will be administered A statement referencing “by whom” and “based upon what” the results will be judged An indication as to what level of success is desired
Results and Analysis Results: Data collected on what a unit does produced through types of service Analysis (or Evaluation): the procedure for determining the meaning of the assessment results and making recommendations for action
Use of Results How the results will be used by the unit to improve the services it provides to its customers How the results will be used by the unit to justify professional development, travel, equipment, personnel, facilities, etc. (Budget)
REMEMBER: The purpose of assessment is not to compare administrative units, but to use what is learned from the assessment activities to improve your unit’s performance.
Student Learning Outcome A statement describing what the student should be able to think (affective), know (cognitive), or do (behavioral) upon completion of the instruction. See Appendix 4