Get out a sheet of paper(or 2?)! Your responses to the questions on this power point will be your SAR test grade.
KWL: What do you know, want to know, and what will you learn. 1.Write down FIVE THINGS you know about the format of the STAAR test. –What are the various sections? –What kinds of questions do you have to answer? –What kinds of readings will be included? –How are those readings related to each other? – How is the test scored? –How is the English II test different from the English I?
Test format 30% Reading multiple choice about fiction, non- fiction, poetry, drama, and visuals(28 questions and 7 field test questions) 20% short answer (1 single selection, 1 cross over, 1 field test) 24% revising/editing (22 multiple choice, 6 field test questions) 26% essay (1 essay: English I is expository, English II is persuasive.)
2. Write something you learned about the format of the test. Did you have to correct any of your notes? Add anything? Is anything new to you?
Information about and Tips for Responding to Short Answer Responses
Quick Check (Don’t write; just discuss...) How much is each SAR worth? How many SAR questions are there on the test? What is each question about?
Quick Check Answers How much is each SAR worth? 3 points (then, the number you get is multiplied by 3 for your score) How many SAR questions are there on the test? 3 What is each question about? –1 is a single selection –1 is a crossover –1 is a field test question and could be either
Single Selection Short Answer 3. After reading “The Case for Short Words,” do you think the author makes a convincing case that short words are effective? Explain your answer and support it with evidence from the selection..
4. Answer the question. Use the F.A.C.E strategy for your response After you plan, write out your response IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! Make sure you answer the question in your own words and include a quote from the story to support your answer. Write your answer on the lined paper provided.
Tip # 1 Stay Focused!
Provide one answer and develop it well No “beating around the bush” Answers that seek to explain the deeper meaning of life may end up getting “0.” Don’t go off on a tangent. Make sure you answer the question and provide a quote or reference to the text to support your answer! Answer… As stated in the selection, “…” This shows that… IMPORTANT!
Let’s look at some sample student responses and rubrics.
Score 0 5. Write down 2 things from the next slide about what kinds of responses earn a score of Start out this way: Score 0s are insufficient and may...
STAAR English Single Selection Score Point 0 — Insufficient Response to the Question Insufficient responses indicate a very limited reading performance. These responses have one of the following problems: The idea is not an answer to the question asked. The idea is incorrect because it is not based on the text. The idea is too general, vague, or unclear to determine whether it is reasonable. No idea is present. Sometimes the response contains only text evidence. At other times there appears to be an idea; however, this idea cannot be considered an answer to the question
Score Point 0 The student presents an explanation that is unclear because it contradicts the student’s assertion that short words are effective.
Score Point 0 The student asserts that the author makes a convincing case that short words are effective and provides text evidence. However, no explanation is given for this assertion. Therefore, the positive side of this response consists only of text evidence. The student goes on to present her personal opinion about why large words are better than small ones. This opinion is unreasonable because it is not based on the ideas presented in the text and, therefore, cannot be supported by textual evidence from the selection. Overall, this response indicates a very limited reading performance.
Score 1 6. Write down 2 things from the next slide about what kinds of responses earn a score of Start out this way: Score 1s are partially sufficient and may...
Score Point 1 — Partially Sufficient Response to the Question Partially sufficient responses indicate a basic reading performance. These responses have one of the following characteristics: The idea is reasonable, but the response contains no text evidence. The idea is reasonable, but the text evidence is flawed and does not adequately support the idea. Text evidence is considered inadequate when it is o only a general reference to the text, o too partial to support the idea, o weakly linked to the idea, or o used inappropriately because it wrongly manipulates the meaning of the text. The idea needs more explanation or specificity even though it is supported with text evidence. The idea represents only a literal reading of the text, with or without text evidence.
Compare these two answers! Score Point 1 The student presents two reasonable ideas explaining why the author makes a convincing case that short words are effective: the author mentions that even great writers use simple words, and he provides a chart that translates long words into shorter ones. However, the response is only partially sufficient because no text evidence is provided to support the ideas. Score Point 2 The student presents the reasonable idea that the author uses a famous poet to explain and show that short words are effective. The student provides two relevant quotations from the text that clearly support this idea, making this a sufficient response.
Score 2 7. Write down 2 things from the next slide about what kinds of responses earn a score of Start out this way: Score 2s are sufficient and must...
SAR Scores Score Point 2 — Sufficient Response to the Question Sufficient responses indicate a satisfactory reading performance. These responses have the following characteristics: The idea is reasonable and goes beyond a literal reading of the text. It is explained specifically enough to show that the student can make appropriate connections across the text and draw valid conclusions. The text evidence used to support the idea is accurate and relevant. The idea and text evidence used to support it are clearly linked. The combination of the idea and the text evidence demonstrates a good understanding of the text.
Score Point 2 The student presents the reasonable idea that the author makes a convincing case that short words are effective because some people can’t understand the meaning of big words and may get confused. The student provides a direct quotation to support the idea. The combination of the idea and the text evidence demonstrates a good understanding of the text. This response represents a satisfactory reading performance.
Score Point 2 In this sufficient response, the student presents the reasonable idea that not all short words are precise enough because, although they have the same definitions as large words, they don’t emphasize things well enough. The student provides an accurate, relevant quotation from the text to support this idea. Single
8. Write down 2 things from the next slide about what kinds of responses earn a score of Start out this way: Score 3s are exemplary and must... Score 3
SAR Scores Score Point 3 — Exemplary Response to the Question Exemplary responses indicate an accomplished reading performance. These responses have the following characteristics: The idea is perceptive and reflects an awareness of the complexities of the text. The student is able to develop a coherent explanation of the idea by making discerning connections across the text. The text evidence used to support the idea is specific and well chosen. Overall, the evidence strongly supports the validity of the idea. The combination of the idea and the text evidence demonstrates a deep understanding of the text.
SAR Scores Score Point 3 By providing a clear explanation of the idea and specific textual evidence that strongly supports it, the student offers a coherent response. The combination of the idea and the text evidence indicates an accomplished reading performance.
9. Rate your response Trade your paper with someone nearby you. The grader should score your answer between a 0 and a 3. The grader should use the language you have copied from the rubric to explain your score. Look at the grader’s score. Indicate if you agree/disagree and why
10. Copy the Score 3 example on the bottom half of your SAR paper I want you to get a feel for what a Score 3 sounds like. Notice it is insightful and well-written. You may actually remember what a Score 3 sounds like if you have written it in your own handwriting.
Tip # 2 Answer all Parts of the Question +
Watch out for these types of questions: Single Passage How does one character change from beginning to the end of a story? How is a character affected by an event? How does the author’s attitude change over the course of the passage? +
Tip # 3 Good Vocabulary/ Word Choice Can Help!
Responses to Consider: 2’s and 3’s Use thesaurus and dictionary Use some of the vocabulary from the story Precise word choice enhances a satisfactory idea (“they keep on going” vs. “perseverance”)
Tip # 4 Match Idea to Text!
Response to Consider:RG-7 RG-28 vs. RG-29 Mismatches are very common The quote you choose HAS to relate to and support your answer. Let’s look at examples:
This quote from the text does not match the answer! Score Point 1 The student offers the reasonable idea that the author makes a convincing case that short words are effective because long words can make you confused and short words get right to the point. However, the text evidence provided is flawed because it is weakly linked to the idea and does not adequately support it.
Last Thoughts You may use the entire box when responding to open-ended questions BUT you cannot double up on lines! Quotes are a good thing – always support your answer with a quote! Students need to know how to express themselves creatively as well as concisely WHILE supporting their ideas with evidence
Turn in your work from today! Turn your work in to the basket. These responses are part of a quiz grade.