Ch. 5 Promotion Promotion refers to the endorsement 推薦 of a person, a product, a cause, an idea, or an organization.
The ultimate 最終 goal of promotion is to encourage the growth, exposure 暴光, and development of an image by advancing it to a higher position. Fashion brands such as Versace, Gucci, and Dior, editorial pieces on celebrities who wear these designs. Someone wrote the press release, hired the photographer, shipped the shoes to the television stylist, planned the seasonal advertising expenditures 經費 for the company, contacted the magazine’s editor and pitched his or her story, located the retailers and verified the retail prices, and worked with the models and photographer to shoot the ads. Promotion
The major components 元素 of promotion involve an understanding of the costs and uses of various advertising vehicles, The significance 意義 of public relations, the value of sales promotions, the importance of selling, and the recent impact of sponsorships and partnerships on fashion and businesses and events.
The primary level of the industry includes fiber and fabric producers and trade organizations, designers and product developers who create for manufacturers, and the manufacturers with their brand names and images. Promotion
Consumer and trade publications 出版品 Consumer publication subscribe to the periodical or purchase it at a bookstore, grocery store, convenience store, drugstore, mass merchandiser. e.g, people, travel, Vogue, In Style, Elle Trade publications are periodicals that are designed for specific professions.
Fashion stylist A fashion stylist is the person who does most of the work before the cameras start shooting. Stylists make quick decisions, how various items of apparel are to be combined and accessorized to show each off to their best features 特點. Women’s wear daily (WWD) is the top trade publication in the fashion industry.
Public relations director Public relations directors are responsible for finding cost- effective ways to promote the company they represent. Work with all types of media representatives, from television and radio producers to newspaper and magazine publishers. There are a number of public relations companies that specialize in fashion and represent a number of designer and manufacturer clients. Many designer have their own in – house public relations staffs. Charity 慈善 events such as fashion shows and parties, new collections in top specialty store competitions for fashion students.
Advertising research and promotion positions The major source of revenue 收入 for a publication is generated from the sale of advertising space. Vogue, Women’s Wear, or Lucky ( Taiwan has Elle,Bazzar…) An advertising research assistant helps sell advertising space in a publication by supplying facts that advertisers will want to kwon, such as the number of issues sold and top locations in terms of sales volume, and the profile and buying power of the publication’s readers.
Fashion event planner Fashion event planner, also referred to as a special events coordinator fashion event planners increase the visibility 可見性 of design house, brands, products, or fabrics by coordinating fashion events that provide exposure. Some of the fashion events that fashion event planners develop and participate in follow.
Bridal shows Bridal wear manufacturers and retailers get together with auxiliary organizations, such as wedding planners, caterers, florists, and travel agents, to present the season’s offerings for brides - to - be and their friends and families. Mannequin modeling Mannequin modeling involves live models who are hired to stand motionless in the place of regular mannequin in windows or on showroom or retail floors. Tearoom modeling Tearoom modeling is an informal fashion show that often takes place in a hotel or restaurant in which models circulate among the tables as the meal is being served.
Party planning Hiring a fashion event planner to put together a party event. Educational events To inform an audience about a product Book signings Complimentary services Diamond vendor and offer free jewelry cleaning at a major jewelry showroom. The service is intended to draw customers into the business Charity group fashion shows Benefit a nonprofit or charitable organization.
Duties of fashion event planners Locate Determine lighting, music Assemble 收集 merchandise to be featured Hire and fit models Arrange for seating Recruit 招收 backstage help Recruit front-of-stage help Handle publicity