The Carbon Atom Can bond with 4 other elements. Has ability to form millions of different large and complex structures. Living organisms all contain carbon.
Monomers Most carbon compounds are built from smaller molecules called monomers
Polymers Monomers link together to form polymers Examples of polymers include carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins.
Macromolecule Table ElementsMonomerPolymerFunctionExamples Carbohydrates Lipids Triglycerides Phospholipids Steroid Proteins Nucleic Acids
Carbohydrates Contain carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) Monomer = monosaccharide (ex: glucose) Two monomers= disaccharide (ex: lactose) Many monomers= polysaccharide (ex: starch) Examples: sugars, starch, cellulose and glycogen Provide energy for the cell and serve structural purposes
Macromolecule Table ElementsMonomerPolymerFunctionExamples Carbohydrates C, H, OMonosaccharidePolysaccharideEnergy & Structure Glucose, Lactose, Starch Lipids Triglycerides Phospholipids Steroid Proteins Nucleic Acids disaccharide
Monosaccharides Aldehydes or ketones that contain several hydroxyl substituents.
OH CH 2 OH C CC C O OH H H H H H C HO Glucose Molecule
Lipids Contains C, H and O. 3 types Triglycerides Phospholipids Steroids Examples: Saturated fats, unsaturated fats, wax, cholesterol and steroids Not soluble in water HO-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-H O H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Fatty Acid
Macromolecule Table ElementsMonomerPolymerFunctionExamples Carbohydrates C, H, O MonosaccharidePolysaccharideEnergy & Structure Glucose, Lactose, Starch Lipids Triglycerides C, H, O Fatty Acid NONE energy unsaturated, saturated, wax Phospholipids Cell membranes (structure) N/A NONE Steroidhormones cholesterol Proteins Nucleic Acids disaccharide
Triglycerides Two forms Saturated – all single C bonds Unsaturated – has double or triple C bonds.
Phosphate H H-C-O H C O C O H-C-O H C O C O C O Phospholipid Fat (glycerol +fatty acids) Long Chain Lipids
Phospholipids Important structural component of cell membranes
Testosterone Estrogen Cholesterol Steroids – lipids with rings
Macromolecule Table ElementsMonomerPolymerFunctionExamples Carbohydrates C, H, O MonosaccharidePolysaccharideEnergy & Structure Glucose, Lactose, Starch Lipids Triglycerides C, H, O Fatty Acid NONE energy unsaturated, saturated, wax Phospholipids Cell membranes (structure) N/A NONE Steroidhormones cholesterol Proteins Nucleic Acids disaccharide
Proteins Contain C, H, O and Nitrogen (N). Polymers made up of amino acid monomers Held together by peptide bonds. There are 20 different types of amino acids Two amino acids = dipeptide Many amino acids = polypeptide Most enzymes are proteins Proteins help build and repair cell components
N C C H H R O O-O- Amino Acid H
Macromolecule Table ElementsMonomerPolymerFunctionExamples Carbohydrates C, H, O MonosaccharidePolysaccharideEnergy & Structure Glucose, Lactose, Starch Lipids Triglycerides C, H, O Fatty Acid NONE energy unsaturated, saturated, wax Phospholipids Cell membranes (structure) N/A NONE Steroidhormones cholesterol Proteins C, H, O, N amino acid PolypeptideBuild/repair cells Insulin, hemoglobin, enzymes Nucleic Acids disaccharide dipeptide
Nucleic acids Large complex polymers that store cell information DNA and RNA Made up of monomers called nucleotides A nucleotide is composed of a sugar, a phosphate group and a base Sugar Phosphate Base
Macromolecule Table ElementsMonomerPolymerFunctionExamples Carbohydrates C, H, O MonosaccharidePolysaccharideEnergy & Structure Glucose, Lactose, Starch Lipids Triglycerides C, H, O Fatty Acid NONE energy unsaturated, saturated, wax Phospholipids Cell membranes (structure) N/A NONE Steroidhormones cholesterol Proteins C, H, O, N amino acid polypeptidebuild/repair cells Insulin, hemoglobin, enzymes Nucleic Acids C, H, O, P, N nucleotideN/A contain genetic info DNA & RNA disaccharide dipeptide
Macromolecules in Review MonomerPolymer ProteinAmino AcidPolypeptide CarbohydrateMonosaccharidePolysaccharide LipidFatty AcidEx: Phospholipids Nucleic AcidNucleotideEx: DNA