Croda International Plc Transition to International Accounting Standards
Summary Minimal Profit and Loss and EPS impact for continuing operations New pensions accounting reduces net assets No change to cash flows New reportable segments Disclosure of associates tax in headline pre-tax numbers
Profit before tax impact 2004* £m £m Employee benefits (pensions) 1.0 Share based payments(0.6) Business combinations (goodwill amortisation) 0.4 amortisation) 0.4 Associates disclosure (0.8) Total - *Continuing operations _____
Profit after tax impact 2004* £m £m Employee benefits (pensions) 0.6 Share based payments(0.4) Business combinations (goodwill amortisation) 0.4 amortisation) 0.4 Other 0.1 Total 0.7 *Continuing operations _____
Balance sheet 31 December 2004 Net assets reduced from £170.9m to £89.6m Accounting for pensions and other post retirement benefits causes net asset reduction of £95.1m Accounting for pensions and other post retirement benefits causes net asset reduction of £95.1m Accounting for dividends differently increases net assets by £16.3m Accounting for dividends differently increases net assets by £16.3m Other minor changes Other minor changes
Segmental reporting – IAS 14 Consumer Care – Personal, Health and Home Care Industrial Specialities – Industrial Specialities, Plastics Additives and Other Central costs absorbed within segments
Segmental analysis 2004* £m Sales Operating profit profit Consumer Care Industrial Specialities ___________ ___________ *Continuing operations
Employee benefits – IAS 19 Mainly pensions but also catches other post-retirement benefits (US Healthcare) Net cost now split between operating profit and financing Assets and liabilities effectively marked to market at year end with any movements due to differences in assumptions going directly to reserves
Share based payments – IFRS 2 Recognising full cost for the first time We have hedged shareholder dilution in the past by buying on market; plan to continue Some increase from 2004 charge likely as both new schemes and more SAYE options fall into the calculation Some potential volatility due to non-market based performance criteria on some options and a cash settled overseas SAYE type scheme, though not expected to be material in Group terms
Associates disclosure – IAS 1 International standards require after tax number to be declared in profit before tax number Apparent reduction in profit before tax and operating profit and corresponding tax charge reduction Small reduction in reported tax rate May report on both bases in future presentations if material
Other matters Westbrook goodwill no longer amortised, annual impairment review (IFRS 3) Dividends only recognised if paid or approved in AGM by balance sheet date (IAS 10) Minor changes on tax and leases (IAS 12 & IAS 17) Financial instrument standards (IAS 32 and IAS 39) not applied to comparatives, no significant future impact foreseen A number of additional disclosures in financial statements for 2005 onwards