Elizabeth Barrett Browning Sonnet 43
Biographical Information One of the most famous poets of her day. More famous than her husband. Known as audacious, versatile, and wrote about intellectual, political, and religious problems. Had the opportunity at an education that was not available to all women of the nineteenth century.
Biographical Information Published long narratives, a novel, Greek translated plays poems dealt with abolition of slavery, exploitation of children in factories, religious belief, and Italian nationalism Very sickly Father kept her confined and forbid her to marry.
Biographical Information 1845 she met Robert Browning. Secretly eloped the next year. Father never forgave her for marrying and never spoke to her again. Had a son at age 43.
Sonnet 43 Page 838
Getting Ready to Read Think of some exaggerations you could use to say, “I love you.”
Background Information Petrarchan Sonnet – Italian sonnet form. {Octave (8) and a sestet (6) – abbaabba cdcdcd} Turn – break in thought This poem purposely does not have a title so that it would seem as if the poems were translated from Portuguese. Reality – poem is autobiographical
Read the Poem
Re-reading Lines 2-5: What do these lines mean? How many distinct ways does the poet say that she loves her beloved? What do you think the poem expresses about the speaker’s religious faith? How would you feel if someone sent you Sonnet 43?
Robert Browning My Last Duchess Porphyria’s Lover
Biographical Information Mostly educated at home by tutors. Brilliant, undisciplined, determined to be like Percy Bysshe Shelley. Lived at home, supported by parents until he married at age – wrote to Elizabeth Barrett 1846 – secretly married
Biographical Information Poetry emphasized error, weakness, and viciousness of characters – wife died; moves back to England with son. Known as “the other great Victorian poet”
My Last Duchess Page 830
Background Information Dramatic monologue – speaker who is not the poet addresses the listener who does not speak. In this poem, the speaker is negotiating another marriage. Speaking to a representative of future wife’s father.
Background Information Duke of Ferrara – Alfonso II (fifth Duke) Renaissance Nobleman 1 st wife was 14 – left her for 2 years Came back and she died a year later It is believed that she was poisoned.
Listen to the Poem Complete chart on the handout.
Re-reading / Analyzing the Text How can the Duke best be described? Why is the Duke angered by the Duchess? What does the Duke suggest the Duchess lacked? What can you infer about the fate of the Duchess?
Porphyria’s Lover Page 833
Getting Ready to Read Someone has said that the opposite of love is not hate but control. What are some examples from History or Literature that support this idea? What is your reaction to this idea?
Background Interest for morbid psychology Explores the complexity of human motivations. Browning is compared to Edgar Allen Poe Seen as different “more modern” than other Victorian poets.
Read the Poem
Re-reading Lines 1-7: What mood do you think this setting is meant to evoke? Lines 21-25: What appears to be the main obstacle to this relationship? Lines 26-33: What does the speaker reveal about himself and his perceptions in these lines? What does the speaker in this poem have in common with the speaker of “My Last Duchess”? How do they differ?
Re-reading Lines 46-54: What do the speaker’s comments suggest about him? Lines 58-60: Do you find the ending of the poem effective? Why or why not? “And yet God has not said a word” – what does this line tell you about the speaker’s character and his awareness of what he has done?
Re-reading If you were serving on a jury for a trial of Porphyria’s lover, would you find him not guilty by reason of insanity? Why or why not?