The year Six team 6RB Miss Rebecca Brant 6JW Miss Joanna Watson 6NS Mr Nicolas Soteri Teaching Assistants Mr Alexey Arkhipov Plus 1
Communication Class Teachers (Rebecca Brant, Joanna Watson, Nicolas Soteri) Head of Year (Miss Rebecca Brant) Head of Key Stage 2 (Mrs Alice Billingham) Head of Primary School (Dr Luke Roberts) Deputy Head teacher (Mr Thomas Wilde) Head Teacher (Mr Craig Halsall)
Communication Planners Children will write useful messages in for themselves Teachers will write a message in at least once a week – it may be more Teacher addresses Virtual Learning Environment – Moodle This system is new and will gradually be used more and more for communication as the year progresses
Important dates ECAs Commence 1 st September Green Week 22nd – 26th September Themed lessons wear something green on Friday Poetry Week 20th - 24 th October Themed lessons Victorian Day 19 th November Themed lessons and Victorian Day in Costume
Curriculum overview 3 terms, 3 main topics: The Victorians Climate Change The Silk Way Maths and English will be taught in ability groups Specialist subjects music, languages, P.E., Art/D.T. The Year 6 Curriculum overview is available on the School Website and will be on the VLE
Class timetables Class Timetables will be in planners P.E. All classes on Fridays Test Days Mental Maths – Wednesday Times tables - Friday Spellings – Friday
homework Introducing Miss Watson and the Year 6 newsletter -Set and ed on a Monday -3 subject homework tasks on-line (Maths, English and Science) -Completed in Homework Books -Handed in on Fridays -Learn Spellings -Practise Times Tables -Reading Diaries reviewed on Thursdays
Uniform Compulsory Summer Uniform
equipment Equipment List in Planners