Version 1.0Falcons 2000 Soccer Club1 Falcons 2000 Soccer Club Discipline Committee
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club2 Contents 1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………...… P3 2. Functions of the Discipline Committee …………………………………………..……..P4 3. What the Discipline Committee will not do …………………..………………………. P5 4. Club Sanctions that can be enforced on offending members…………………. P6 5. Codes of Behaviour enforced at Falcons 2000 Soccer Club ………………..….. P7 6. Players Code of Behaviour ………………………………………………..……………….. P8 7. Coaches Code of Behaviour ………………………………………………………………… P9 8. Supporters Code of Behaviour……………..………………………………………….… P10 9. Administrators Code of Behaviour………………………………………………………. P Appendix 1 – Offence Grading …..………..……….…………………………………… P Appendix 2 – Offence Grading….……….………………………………………………. P Appendix 3 – Complaintant Flow Chart …..………..……………………………….. P Appendix 4 – Red and Yellow Card Offences Review Flow Chart………….. P Appendix 5 – Complaint Form……………………………………………………………..P16
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club3 Introduction The Discipline Committee has been created by the Falcons 2000 Soccer Club President and board members. The Discipline Committee has been created by the Falcons 2000 Soccer Club President and board members. The board identified a need to protect the values of the Falcons 2000 Soccer Club. By doing so promote the organisation as a reputable family friendly soccer club. The board identified a need to protect the values of the Falcons 2000 Soccer Club. By doing so promote the organisation as a reputable family friendly soccer club. Where coaches encourage their players and promote fair play and respect Where coaches encourage their players and promote fair play and respect Where teams play fierce and competitive soccer in a fair manner, respecting each other, opposition teams and match officials Where teams play fierce and competitive soccer in a fair manner, respecting each other, opposition teams and match officials Where spectators are passionate about their teams and can enjoy a spectacle free of verbal and physical abuse Where spectators are passionate about their teams and can enjoy a spectacle free of verbal and physical abuse To assist in protecting and promoting the clubs values the Discipline Committee will To assist in protecting and promoting the clubs values the Discipline Committee will Investigate all formal complaints that relate to breaches of the clubs various Codes of Behaviour (Coaches, Players, Supporters and Administrator Members) Investigate all formal complaints that relate to breaches of the clubs various Codes of Behaviour (Coaches, Players, Supporters and Administrator Members) Issue club sanctions to members who are found to have breached the clubs values. Issue club sanctions to members who are found to have breached the clubs values.
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club4 Functions of the Discipline Committee Review players on field behaviour by scrutinizing all notifications of serious red card offences. Review players on field behaviour by scrutinizing all notifications of serious red card offences. Serious red card offences are those listed as R1, R2, R3 and R6 in the GSL Red Card Fixed Penalty Offence Table Serious red card offences are those listed as R1, R2, R3 and R6 in the GSL Red Card Fixed Penalty Offence Table (See attached table – Appendix 1 & 2, Page 12 and 13) Review excessive yellow card offences. Review excessive yellow card offences. Receive and investigate all formal complaints made to the committee. A formal complaint is one that is Receive and investigate all formal complaints made to the committee. A formal complaint is one that is Made in writing (Hard copy of ) Made in writing (Hard copy of ) On a designated (Proforma Complaints Form – Appendix 5, Page 16) On a designated (Proforma Complaints Form – Appendix 5, Page 16) Clearly identifying what the complaint is Clearly identifying what the complaint is Requiring (as mandatory) the complainers name and a contact telephone number Requiring (as mandatory) the complainers name and a contact telephone number All formal complaints to be given to a Discipline Committee member for the appropriate action to be then determined All formal complaints to be given to a Discipline Committee member for the appropriate action to be then determined Hold Discipline Hearings where it is deemed necessary. Hold Discipline Hearings where it is deemed necessary. A minimum of 2 Discipline Committee members to be present A minimum of 2 Discipline Committee members to be present Serious red card offences where possible will be held on a Thursday night after GSL penalties have been determined Serious red card offences where possible will be held on a Thursday night after GSL penalties have been determined Other serious matters will be heard within 10 days to the alleged incident date Other serious matters will be heard within 10 days to the alleged incident date Junior members must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or nominated adult Junior members must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or nominated adult Can be heard and determined in the absence of the ‘offending’ member Can be heard and determined in the absence of the ‘offending’ member Formally notify Formally notify the President and club committee of results of all Discipline Hearings the President and club committee of results of all Discipline Hearings any complainant of the outcomes of their complaint, but will not enter into any discussions or justifications. any complainant of the outcomes of their complaint, but will not enter into any discussions or justifications. offending persons in writing of sanctions handed down by the Discipline Committee offending persons in writing of sanctions handed down by the Discipline Committee Keep a record of Keep a record of all reported incidents and any findings made, to assist the Discipline Committee in making consistent and uniform decisions all reported incidents and any findings made, to assist the Discipline Committee in making consistent and uniform decisions appeal decisions made by the President and club Committee appeal decisions made by the President and club Committee
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club5 What the Discipline Committee will not do The Discipline Committee will not The Discipline Committee will not Make changes to club policies. Make changes to club policies. Make formal complaints to other clubs about the behaviour of their teams or supporters Make formal complaints to other clubs about the behaviour of their teams or supporters Hear appeals to any sanctions that are handed down by the committee Hear appeals to any sanctions that are handed down by the committee The above points are the role of the President and Club Committee And will not act on rumours or gossip – Only Formal Complaints And will not act on rumours or gossip – Only Formal Complaints
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club6 Club Sanctions that can be enforced on offending members The following sanctions are listed in order of severity and can be enforced on those that breach the clubs relevant Code of Behaviour The following sanctions are listed in order of severity and can be enforced on those that breach the clubs relevant Code of Behaviour Verbal Warning Verbal Warning Formal written warning placing a person on notice of further sanctions if behaviour persists Formal written warning placing a person on notice of further sanctions if behaviour persists Fines / Canteen Duties or other club enforced duties Fines / Canteen Duties or other club enforced duties Match Bans Match Bans Club Suspensions Club Suspensions Life Bans Life Bans
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club7 Codes of Behaviour enforced at Falcons 2000 Soccer Club Falcons 2000 Soccer Club expect all members to abide by one or more of the following Codes of Behaviour Falcons 2000 Soccer Club expect all members to abide by one or more of the following Codes of Behaviour Players Code of Behaviour Players Code of Behaviour Coaches Code of Behaviour Coaches Code of Behaviour Supporters Code of Behaviour Supporters Code of Behaviour Administrators Code of Behaviour Administrators Code of Behaviour A copy of each Code of Behaviour is attached for the information of all members A copy of each Code of Behaviour is attached for the information of all members Formal Complaints can be made to the Discipline Committee in relation to the appropriate numbered breach outlined in the ‘…… WILL NOT’ section at the bottom of each code Formal Complaints can be made to the Discipline Committee in relation to the appropriate numbered breach outlined in the ‘…… WILL NOT’ section at the bottom of each code These Codes of Behaviour can be amended at any time by the President and club committee These Codes of Behaviour can be amended at any time by the President and club committee
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club8 PLAYERS Code of Behaviour Accept and abide by the values of the club Accept and abide by the values of the club Play by the rules and accept decisions made by your coach and match officials Play by the rules and accept decisions made by your coach and match officials Work hard for yourself and your team Work hard for yourself and your team Show respect and co-operation towards your team members, coach, opposition Show respect and co-operation towards your team members, coach, opposition teams and match officials Be a good sport, acknowledge good play regardless of who it is and encourage Be a good sport, acknowledge good play regardless of who it is and encourage those around you to do the same PLAYERS WILL NOT PLAYERS WILL NOT 1. Racially vilify club members, opposition members, match officials or supporters 2. Assault club members, opposition members, match officials or supporters 3. Verbally abuse a club member, opposition member, match official or supporter 4. Bully, Intimidate or Disrespect a club member, opposition player or match official 5. Encourage unsportsmanlike conduct 6. Behave in a manner that will cause unwanted criticism on the Falcons 2000 Soccer Club
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club9 COACHES Code of Behaviour Instil club values and set a positive example for his/her players to follow Instil club values and set a positive example for his/her players to follow Encourage mate ship and develop respect for each other, opposition players abilities, Encourage mate ship and develop respect for each other, opposition players abilities, judgement of match officials and opposition coaches Ensure players follow the rules of the game Ensure players follow the rules of the game Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate for the Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate for the age and ability of the players Where possible provide all players with equal game time Where possible provide all players with equal game time Follow the advice of a physician when determining when an injured player is ready to recommence training or competition Follow the advice of a physician when determining when an injured player is ready to recommence training or competition Keep up to date with the latest coaching practices and take steps where possible to Keep up to date with the latest coaching practices and take steps where possible to grow and develop as a coach COACHES WILL NOT COACHES WILL NOT 1. Racially vilify club members, opposition members, match officials or supporters 2. Assault club members, opposition members, match officials or supporters 3. Verbally abuse a club member, opposition member, match official or supporter 4. Bully, Intimidate or Disrespect a club member, opposition player or match official 5. Encourage unsportsmanlike conduct 6. Behave in a manner that will cause unwanted criticism on the Falcons 2000 Soccer Club
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club10 SUPPORTERS Code of Behaviour A supporter is any person that supports the Falcons 2000 Soccer Club and includes PARENTS and members of a players family A supporter is any person that supports the Falcons 2000 Soccer Club and includes PARENTS and members of a players family Participate by barracking for your team and support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse towards others. This will make the experience enjoyable for all Participate by barracking for your team and support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse towards others. This will make the experience enjoyable for all Remember that players are playing for their enjoyment and not yours Remember that players are playing for their enjoyment and not yours Encourage players to always participate by the rules Encourage players to always participate by the rules Focus on efforts and performance rather than winning or losing Focus on efforts and performance rather than winning or losing Show respect towards your coaches, team members, opposition members and match officials Show respect towards your coaches, team members, opposition members and match officials Show appreciation of club volunteers, coaches, and administrators as they are the people who keep the club running Show appreciation of club volunteers, coaches, and administrators as they are the people who keep the club running Remember that children at the club will learn and mimic what they hear and see and it is best that they learn respect, sportsmanship and club values from those around them Remember that children at the club will learn and mimic what they hear and see and it is best that they learn respect, sportsmanship and club values from those around them SUPPORTERS WILL NOT SUPPORTERS WILL NOT 1. Racially vilify club members, opposition members, match officials or supporters 2. Assault or encourage others to assault club members, opposition members, match officials or supporters 3. Verbally abuse a club member, opposition member, match official or supporter 4. Bully, Intimidate or Disrespect a club member, opposition player, match official or supporter 5. Encourage unsportsmanlike conduct 6. Behave in a manner that will cause unwanted criticism on the Falcons 2000 Soccer Club 7. Never ridicule, demean, abuse or blame a player for making mistakes or losing games 8. Never force a junior player to participate in a game of soccer.
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club11 ADMINISTRATORS Code of Behaviour Set an example to members and others who attend the club Set an example to members and others who attend the club Behaviour and comments should be positive, supportive and reflect the clubs values Behaviour and comments should be positive, supportive and reflect the clubs values Give all members equal opportunity to participate Give all members equal opportunity to participate Ensure that rules, equipment, length of games and training schedules suit the age, ability and maturity level of participants Ensure that rules, equipment, length of games and training schedules suit the age, ability and maturity level of participants Help Coaches and Officials highlight appropriate behaviour and skill development Help Coaches and Officials highlight appropriate behaviour and skill development Help develop and improve the standards of coaching and officiating Help develop and improve the standards of coaching and officiating Ensure that everyone involved in junior and senior sport emphasises fair play and not winning at all costs Ensure that everyone involved in junior and senior sport emphasises fair play and not winning at all costs Provide Code of Behaviour information to spectators, players and coaches and encourage them to stick to it Provide Code of Behaviour information to spectators, players and coaches and encourage them to stick to it Encourage young people to get involved in the planning, leadership, evaluation and decision making relative to the activity Encourage young people to get involved in the planning, leadership, evaluation and decision making relative to the activity ADMINISTRATORS WILL NOT ADMINISTRATORS WILL NOT 1. Breach other Codes of Behaviour that apply to them as individuals 2. Ignore serious concerns raised by members of the club 3. Ignore OH&S concerns that relate to the club and it’s venue
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club12 OFFENCE CATERGORY OFFENCE GRADING Send-off1 No of Matches 2 No of Matches 3 No of Matches 4 Action R1 Serious Foul play Strikes or attempts to strike in frustration/retaliation Strikes or attempts to strike in contest for the ball. Strikes or attempts to strike or injure. May come from a distance Strikes. Very serious injury. Player unable to continue. R2 Violent Conduct Violent conduct when the ball is not in playing distance or in play Violent conduct showing intent and aggression. Pre-meditated violent conduct over time and distance. N/A R2 Serious Act of Violent Conduct N/ASerious violent conduct when the ball is not in play or within playing distance. Serious violent conduct when ball is not in play or within playing distance and causing significant bodily harm. Serious violent conduct which has caused significant bodily harm and responsibility for a brawl. R2 Violent Conduct against a match Official N/A R3 Spitting At a player N/ASpits at a playerSpits on a playerSpits in a players face or on an official or spectator. R3 Spitting at a Match Official N/ASpits at a match official.Spits on a match official R4N/A R5N/A R6 Use of Offensive language or gestures Provoked by a tackle or similar action. Unprovoked and directed at another player or spectator. Incitement by gesture or word Incitement by gesture or word bringing game into disrepute R6 Use of discrimatory language or gestures Provoked by a tackle or similar action Unprovoked by a tackle or similar action. Inciting a reactionIncitement by gesture or word bringing the game into disrepute R6 Use of offensive language or gesture against a official Used in frustration or provoked by a tackle or similar action. Repeated or excessive decent against a match official. Attempting to influence a match officials decision by using offensive language or gesture. Continued harassment of match official bringing the game into disrepute. R7N/A Appendix 1
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club13 OFFENCE CATERGORY OFFENCE GRADING Send-off1 No of Matches 2 No of Matches 3 No of Matches 4 Action R1 Serious Foul play Auto+2Auto+3Auto+5Tribunal R2 Violent Conduct Auto+2Auto+3Auto+4N/A R2 Serious Act of Violent Conduct N/AAuto+5Auto+7Tribunal R2 Violent Conduct against a match Official Tribunal R3 Spitting At a player N/AAuto+4Auoto+6Tribunal R3 Spitting at a Match Official N/AAuto+6Tribunal R4Denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (this does not apply to a goalkeeper within his or her own penalty area). Auto Game R5Denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball ( this does not apply to a goalkeeper within his or her own penalty area). Auto Game R6 Use of Offensive language or gestures Auto+2Auto+3Auto+4Tribunal R6 Use of discrimatory language or gestures Auto+3Auto+4Auto+5Tribunal R6 Use of offensive language or gesture against a official Auto+3Auto+4Auto+6Tribunal R7 Receives a second caution in a game Auto Game Appendix 2
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club14 Complaintant Against Player Against Coach Against Supporter Against Administrator Complete Complaint form detailing offence from Codes of Behaviour Submit to Falcons 2000 S.C. Discipline Committee Hold Disciplinary Hearing minimum 2 Discipline Committee Members Notify President & Committee of results from hearing Formally notify offending person of results from hearing Keep record of all reported incidents Appendix 3
Falcons 2000 Soccer Club15 Falcons 2000 Soccer Club Discipline Committee Review Red Card offences R1, R2, R3 & R6 from GSL Red Card Fixed Penalty Offence Resulting from referees match report Hold Disciplinary Hearing minimum 2 Discipline Committee Members Notify President & Committee of results from review Formally notify offending person of results from review Keep record of all reported reviews Review Excessive Yellow Card offences Red and Yellow Card Review Flow Chart Appendix 4