Generating Open Courseware using Podcasting, Screencasting, Blogs and Games Jean-Claude Bradley E-Learning Coordinator College of Arts and Sciences Drexel University September 30, 2005 Open Education Conference, Utah State
The Game Platform: The EduFrag Project Assessment Content Interaction Quizzes in a 3- D world The Study Room Student-Student Collaboration or Competition Instructor Guided Tours First Person Shooter Modding (Unreal Tournament)
EduFrag Design Modularity Simplicity Quiz-Based – Not Simulation Portability of textures Flexible gameplay modes: non-competitive maze, race, deathmatch, capture the flag, king of the hill, etc. Even in competitive play gore level can be adjusted for each player
Platform: game (Unreal Tournament) Component: content, assessment Channel: quiz questions on walls Platform: game (Unreal Tournament) Channel: chat, body gestures Component: interaction
The EduFrag Wiki and Blog: Open Source Collaboration
Platform: game (Wheel of Orgo), blog Component: interaction, content, assessment Channel: Tablet PC, F2F
MakeGames: The Class that Didn’t Run
Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Open Courseware and RSS
Take-home message Think in terms of multiple channels and platforms to meet your teaching objectives Bottom-up open courseware strategies have an important role to play in global education