Syrian VPR Scheme Presentation South East Strategic Partnership Conference Monday 21 st December 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Syrian VPR Scheme Presentation South East Strategic Partnership Conference Monday 21 st December 2015

What I’ve been asked to cover today Current resettlement of refugees through Syrian VPR scheme How its been determined and implemented throughout Scotland Particular focus on LA’s and their role Lessons learned so far and practical tips

Current Ressetlement Background contd - Syrian VPR Scheme September 2015 UK Government announcement that 20,000 refugees will now be relocated over the next 5 years Expectation that c. 2,000 will come to Scotland £1m funding from Scottish Government Unprecedented level of interest in participating from Scottish LAs Various structures established at a Scottish level: Taskforce Integration and Accommodating Refugees Subgroups COSLA VPR Group Tripartite discussions between COSLA, UK and Scottish Government Discussions with other local government associations and key UK Government departments

Taskforce Chaired by Humza Yousaf Minister for External Affairs & International Development EmployabilityVPR Scheme Accommodating Refugees LanguageHealth Education: School/FE/HE Communities and Social Connection Public Awareness Campaign Integration Forum Promotes broad engagement and participation with communities, key partners and agencies. COSLA VPR Officer Group This group meets on a 3 week cycle and brings together all 32 local authorities; it provides strategic coordination, learning and engagement between Scotland’s councils. Syrian VPR Scheme – Scottish Coordination Structures New Scots Core Group: Monitoring Monitors Work Group progress and links to longer term implementation of New Scots refugee integration strategy Weekly Tripartite Phonecalls COSLA – SG – Home Office LGAs meetings/RSMP’s/Peer support

Pre ArrivalPoint of ArrivalFirst MonthFirst Year  Establish multi-agency approach and meet regularly  Community walk-around: Identify suitable location with available housing, school places, and other wrap-around services  Identify and prepare housing  Establish appropriate health services are in place  Arrange interpreting and translation services  Provide staff briefing/training  Prepare welcome and orientation information  Agree and implement communication strategy  Undertake community engagement  Arrange transport from the airport  Set up payments  Undertake gap analysis  Welcome  Biometrics gathering  NINO allocation  Benefits application  Transportation to new home  Introduction to new home  GP registration  Establish means of keeping in touch (mobile phones?)  Orientation in the local area  Identifying individual integration needs & establishing plan  Support ‘normalisation’  School/college registration  Dentist registration  Hospital appointments  Meeting with Job Centre Plus  Opportunities to build social connections  Help to make links to faith groups  Set-up bank or post-office account  Manage volunteer input  Money management support  Familiarisation with police/law  Identify cultural issues  Tenancy support  Reviewing integration needs progress  Language  Opportunities to build social connections  Possibility of Syrian community meeting up across Scotland  Collaboration between neighbouring areas  Support employability/qualifications recognition/personal profiles for skills matching Housing Health Employment/ Benefits Education Social Connections Resettlement Planning

Bringing Refugees to Renfrewshire Immediate Workstreams

State of play in Scotland to date Around 400 refugees brought in by xmas to 16 LA’s Mixture of charter flights and scheduled flights Huge multi-agency effort End to end process focus key Continued political focus Preparation for 2016 and beyond

Lessons so far - 1 National co-ordination V’s Regional co-ordination What does HO do best/What do RSMP’s & LA’s do best Added complexity when SG and WG are involved Project management/planning is key Share knowledge and experience – Knowledge Hub Communications/Media strategy Resources – Clarity on scheme but little on making it work

Lessons so far - 2 Planning v’s reality Refugees expectations Funding commitment – what does this mean/is it person focused/flexibility? Clarity and understanding of roles/responsibilities Importance of political support – local and national Peer Support