Water Operator Partnerships: A Global Report on an Essential Tool for the Future Kuching, Malaysia November 3, 2010 Paul Reiter Executive Director, IWA
Source: UN (2003) Number of urban residents added to the urban space between 2000 and 2015
4 Our Future Unprecedented levels and variation of urban growth Dramatic rise in the demand for urban water services Already starting from a deficit position in terms of most cities
5 Creating, Growing and Maturing Utilities To Meet the Challenges Ahead Development Banks Funding Ratepayers Donors Institutional & Governance Governments National, State & Local Governments Know How?? Own Resources Private Sector Other Utilities
6 Water Operators Partnerships IWA and UN-HABITAT work together in the Global WOPs Alliance (GWOPA) to promote and broker WOPs according to the UN Hashimoto Action Plan
7 Classification of WOPs Twinnings
8 Utility Partnerships – Fundamentally bilateral, however may initially facilitated by others Mentoring Utility Recipient Utility Donors/ Funders Regional Banks Professional Associations IWA Multilateral Organizations UN Habitat
WaterLinks: Case Study In Implementing Water Operator Partnerships in Asia
WaterLinks ACTIVITIES Brokering and facilitating twinning partnerships Strengthening capacity through regional training and toolkits Disseminating best practices via publications, events and a website (