EXPECT MANY TO REJECT THE GOSPEL Not everybody has ears to hear The problem is not with the seed – The problem is with the soil “Small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Mt. 7:14)
EXPECT HYPOCRITES IN THE CHURCH The Sowing of the Weeds (v ) The Growing of the Weeds (v ) The Knowing of the Weeds (v. 30)
EXPECT CORRUPTION IN THE PROFESSING CHURCH Yeast (leaven) is a symbol of evil (Ex. 12:8, Lev. 2:4-5, 1 Cor. 5:6-8) The yeast of the Pharisees was Legalism (Mt. 16:6) The yeast of the Sadducees was Liberalism (Mt. 16:6) The yeast of Herod was License and Lasciviousness (Mk. 8:15)
EXPECT JESUS TO SAVE THE LOST AND BUILD HIS CHURCH Jesus is the Merchant – The pearl is His Church He sought us and bought us with His redeeming blood He called the Church out, He sent the Church out, and someday soon, He’s coming to take the Church out
EXPECT GOD TO JUDGE RIGHTEOUSLY IN THE FINAL JUDGMENT The Gospel message is like a big dragnet It’s my job (and yours) to drag the net It’s God’s job to sort the catch There is a righteous judgment coming – Make sure you’re ready