Welcome to the 2016 Southwold Lent Lectures Exploring the BIG QUESTIONS Faith Schools and RE in a Modern Educational System Helen Matter A recording of these lectures will be available on southwoldlectures.org, and they will be broadcast on Blyth Valley Community Radio (105 fm)
728 We have a gospel to proclaim, Good news for men in all the earth; The gospel of a Saviour’s name: We sing His glory, tell His worth. Tell of His birth at Bethlehem, Not in a royal house or hall But in a stable dark and dim: The Word made flesh, a light for all.
Tell of His death at Calvary, Hated by those He came to save; In lonely suffering on the cross For all He loved, His life He gave. Tell of that glorious Easter morn: Empty the tomb, for He was free; He broke the power of death and hell That we might share His victory.
Tell of His reign at God’s right hand, By all creation glorified; He sends His Spirit on His Church To live for Him, the Lamb who died. Now we rejoice to name Him King: Jesus is Lord of all the earth; This gospel message we proclaim: We sing His glory, tell His worth. E J Burns
Luke 2:39-52 Pew Bibles p. 1028
Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich
Faith schools and RE in a modern educational system Helen Matter Schools’ Adviser
What are faith schools? Faith schools can be different kinds of schools, eg voluntary aided schools, free schools, academies etc, but are associated with a particular religion. Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Faith schools are mostly run like other state schools. They have to follow the national curriculum except for religious studies, where they are free to only teach about their own religion. The admissions criteria and staffing policies may be different too, although anyone can apply for a place.
What is RE? RI RK RS RL Schools have to teach Religious Education but parents can withdraw their children for all or part of the lessons. Pupils can choose to withdraw themselves once they’re 18. Local councils are responsible for deciding the RE syllabus, in accordance with national statutory criteria, but faith schools and academies can set their own.faith schoolsacademies Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich
Church of England schools in numbers Approx 1 million children attend C of E schools About 15 million people alive today went to one 4,500 C of E Primary schools and over 200 Secondary 500+ academies – C of E biggest sponsor in England 500+ independent schools say they are C of E C of E clergy give 1,000,000 hours a year to young people in schools e.g. in after-school activities. 22,500 Foundation Governors in C of E schools (Figures last updated March 2015) Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich
Inclusive schools for the community Church of England schools are established primarily for the communities they are located in. They are inclusive and serve equally those who are of the Christian faith, those of other faiths and those with no faith But how are they distinctive? Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich
Theological Reflection on the purposes of Church of England schools Can we explain it simply? Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich GOD Dignity Life together Hope Wisdom
Religious Education Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich
became flesh The Word became flesh and lived among us and we have seen his glory – John 1 v.14
Make a nativity set!
Teaching Christianity effectively in schools EMMANUEL
Our two teachers both came back buzzing with enthusiasm. (Guildhall Feoffment CP)
The children – what do they say? RE is unlike any other subject. It allows you to learn about other people and figure out where you fit in with the world.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, The love of God And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit Be with us all, ever more Amen