New Cutting Edge, Upper Intermediate Student’s Book, page
Article Discussion Questions Do you think the writer will ever give up TV? Should, and could you give it up? What would you do instead? Do you think people generally watch too much TV? Taken from New Cutting Edge, Upper Intermediate Student’s Book, page 130.
What are the good and bad things about television? Is television important in our current society? How much television do you watch every day? Are you happy with the range of TV programmes available today? What is there too much of on TV? What are your earliest memories of TV? Are there any biased TV programmes? Television
First conditional (I/wash) the dishes as soon as this programme (be) over. If (I/finish) work early today, I (be able to) watch the news later. If (we/fix) the TV set, we (watch) that new programme tonight. If (you/behave) well, you (watch) TV tonight. (I/invite) Tara round to watch a film, unless (she/be) busy tomorrow.
TV Extract: The Jonathon Ross Show Watch the video and answer the questions…. 1. What type of TV programme is it? a) News b) Sports coverage c) Chat show 2. When did David Beckham decide to retire? a) When he moved to the USA. b) When he moved to France. c) When he was with his family and friends. Link to video: 3.When he played his last match he was: a) Crying uncontrollably b) Still injured c) Completely unemotional.
Listen again and answer the following questions…. What does Beckham mean when he says “welling up”. Why do we see a photo of his wife Victoria Beckham? How did he feel on his first morning of retirement?
I’m a celebrity…Get me out of here! Listen to the extract and answer the questions… 1.“I’m a celebrity…get me out of here!” is which type of programme? a)Chat show b)Reality show c)Quiz show 2. The celebrities sleep: a)where they want b)in hammocks c)In a cave 3. The stay in the jungle is going to be: a) full of challenges b) full of snakes c) a piece of cake Link
What do the following refer to? Marmite Dead insects 3 weeks Fate
Are you a T.V. addict? Each time you answer ‘yes’ you get one point! 1. Do you have more than 2 televisions in your home? a) Yes b) No 2. Are you a fan of 24 hours new channels? a) Yes b) No 3. Can you recite the lyrics of your favourite TV show? a) Yes b) No 4. Do you watch more than 4 hours of television a day? a) Yes b) No 5. Is there a television in your bedroom? a) Yes b) No 6. Are you unable to turn off the TV during your favourite programme? a) Yes b) No 7. Do you have meals while watching TV? a) Yes b) No
8. Are you constantly surfing through channels? a) Yes b) No 9. Is it hard for someone to get your attention while you are watching TV? a) Yes b) No 10. Has someone told you that you watch too much television? a) Yes b) No 11. Do you feel restless if you are unable to watch TV? a) Yes b) No 12. Do you use your television to help you wake up or go to sleep? a) Yes b) No 13. Have you ever cancelled plans because a particular show is on? a) Yes b) No 14. Can you tell them time based on what programme is on? a) Yes b) No 15. Is your television set left on all the time? a) Yes b) No Quiz taken from: addict/
Answers to quiz! 0 – 5 points – A little bit addicted There is probably nothing to worry about. It seems you have a healthy relationship with TV. If I were you, I would start worrying when you begin dreaming about TV! 6 – 10 points – More addicted than most You need TV in your life more than most people, but you are not the worst we’ve seen. Maybe try cutting back on some of those reality shows. 11 – 15 points – Totally addicted You are totally addicted to TV. You probably dream, sleep and breathe TV. Perhaps you should go outside and see daylight for once in a while. Look on the bright side, you could probably get a job at the magazine TV Guide. Answers adapted from: