Where Should I Study? A guide to good study habits and proper environments
Where Not to Study Studies show that studying in the following places might inhibit your ability to concentrate and retain information: On your bed In a noisy area In a busy coffee shop In front of the television With music on Studying in groups is good for some, but not for all. How can you determine what works for YOU ?
Basics of Study Environments No distractions! Avoid anywhere noisy and activities that might interest you and take you away from the task at hand. It’s good to be alone! Studying in groups works for some, but for most, being on your own away from people or friends who might get you off topic can definitely help with concentration. Turn off the tunes! If you find yourself singing along to the music or following your TV show too carefully, turn them off. Background noise is absolutely fine, but don’t get too distracted! Get comfortable! Go someplace quiet, where you can relax and focus on getting your studying done.
Steen Library 2 nd Floor STUDY AREA X ELEVATOR
STUDY AREA Steen Library 3 rd Floor X ELEVATOR
STUDY AREA Steen Library 4 th Floor X ELEVATOR
Student Center The Student Center (SC) has many spots available for students to study: In both food courts Lounges upstairs by Starbucks and the Twilight Ballroom In one of 13 rentable conference rooms that seat people, typically available during finals or dead week (call (936) to rent)
Library Resources The AARC! Walk-in tables Supplemental Instruction Weekly Appointment tutors Study rooms Available on 3 rd and 4 th floors Rentable for 4 hours at a time Includes chalkboard
Residence Hall Study Areas Each residence hall or dorm has a designated study area for its residents. Usually they are quiet areas, in which students can study in peace or work together quietly on projects. The following slides outline the study areas on SFA’s campus!
Residence Hall Study Areas Steen Study room on first floor of the lobby Hall 14, Hall 16 Study rooms are on individual floors Lumberjack Landing CSSC; 2 study rooms in each wing
Residence Hall Study Areas Lumberjack Lodge Study/conference room on 2 nd floor Wisely Study room on 1 st floor and lounge on 2 nd Kerr and Griffith Study space on the balcony area of each lobby
Residence Hall Study Areas North/South/Todd Halls Study areas in the community kitchen Mays Hall Study area between Hall 10 and Mays on 1 st floor Lumberjack Village Computer area, conference area and floor lounges
Happy Studying!