Assisted Living in Lebanon: An International Partnership Joyce Eid, General Manager, Moadieh Evangelical Center David Reimer, President & CEO, Palm Village Retirement Community
Libnan Bordered by Syria to the North and East and Israel to the South
Lebanon Language: Arabic Area: 10,452 km 2 (4,036 sq mi) Population: 5,851,000 Independence: 1943 from the French
Historical snapshot Home to Phoenicians along the coast Tidal wave, Arabs move in from the East Arabic language adopted, but religion not adopted St. Maron, notifies Pope of Muslims in Christian holy sites, crusades begin
Multiple religions form Maronites, early Christian group, ally with Rome Sunni, follow Abu Bakr, friend of Mohammed following Muhammed’s death Shia, follow Ali, relative of Mohammed Druze- Gnostic, Greek philosophy, Judaic and Christian influence. Some see Shia influence.
Multiple religions form part 2 Alawite- variation of Shia Muslim Armenian- immigrants from Armenia, largely Christian Greek Orthodox Roman Catholic Protestant
Boundaries after WWI
Distribution by Sect