Unit 5 Around the World Topic: Neighborhoods and cities Function: Asking for and giving directions Vocabulary: Places in the neighborhood; talking about cities Lessons: Lesson A—Places in my city Lesson B—Cities and towns
Lesson A—Places in my city Hair Salon Laundromat Post office
Can you name other places in your neighborhood? cinema Internet Café supermarket pet store subway gym hospital bank photo studio bakery
What can you do in the places? I can build myself up and become stronger. I can have a haircut or have my hair curled. I can open an account or deposit money or withdraw money. Do you know where I can buy stamps?
Please finish the exercises on P52: 1. Match the words with the pictures. 2. Describe the pictures by following the structures: --She is surfing online in the Internet Café. --They are watching an exciting movie in the movie theatre. 3. Pair work to practice the structures: A: What can you do at a bank? B: I can deposit money. A: Then do you know where I can post letters? B: You can post letters in a post office nearby.
Listening 1. Listen to Track and do Exercise A on P53.Track Listen to Track and do Exercise B on P54.Track Imitate the 4 conversations.
Speaking—Asking for directions To ask about a specific place: Where’s the International Bank, please? Could you tell me where the Empire State Building is, please? Excuse me, how do I walk to the Grand Theater from here? To ask about a place in general: Where can I get a roll of film? Excuse me, where can I post a letter? Do you know where I can leave my luggage? Is there a movie theatre nearby?
Speaking—Giving directions Verbs:go straight down the street to the corner walk one block on Center Street turn left/right at the next traffic light take the bus/subway to… take a taxi to… I’m not sure, but I think… Of course there is one,… Sorry, I don’t know. Prep. of place Structure: there is…
Speaking—Giving directions Prepositions of place: on the corner of the street in the middle of the block in front of the bank between the library and the post office in the park next to the train station right across the café opposite the park in the back of/behind the laundromat near/close to the City Hall
Speaking 1. Listen to Track and retell what the speakers talked about.Track Listen again and imitate the conversation. 3. Pair work according to the map on P55 and follow the pattern: A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the City Hall is? B: The City Hall? Yeah, it’s on the corner of Grant Avenue and Mason Street. A: Thank you. Note: street vs. avenue
Communication 1. Listen to Track and imitate the material.Track Describe your neighborhood. 3. Describe a neighborhood you want in. In my neighborhood there is a university. Opposite the university is a laundromat and I like going there to do my laundry. There is a pharmacy right beside the laundromat. It would be more convenient for living there if a supermarket were built near the community. Example: Homework: Describe one of your favorite places in your neighborhood.
Lesson B—Cities and towns 1. Watch the video Part I and finish the exercises on P Watch the video Part I and imitate the material. 3. Watch the video Part II and finish the exercises on P Watch the video Part II and play roles to imitate the scene.
After you watch 1. Summarize the important structures and vocabulary related to the topic “neighborhoods and cities”; 2. Situational oral practice: 1)imagine you’re a stranger to a place. Please ask your partner how you can get to places you want to. 2)Imagine you’re a host of a TV program on “the best neighborhood in the city”. Make a survey to show what kind of neighborhood can be the best to live in.