1 If you could have your bedroom either clean and neat, or jumbled and messy which would you prefer? Why?
2 What things scare you, even though you know there is no reason to be afraid?
3 If you had to pick an age to be for your whole life, what age would you pick? Would you miss anything if you picked that age?
4 If you could live someone else’s life for a week--- just long enough to see what it would be like, would you? If so, who would you pick pick and why?
5 What was the last time you felt completely happy? What made you feel that way, and why?
6 What is your favorite daydream?
7 If you could make a TV show about anything you wanted, what would it be about? Who would be the audience that would watch your show?
8 If you could see into the future, but could not change it, would you want to? Explain.
9 Would you rather have a job that you did not like that paid a lot of money, or a job you loved that paid just enough for you to get by? Explain.
10 Have you ever gotten yourself into a mess by telling someone you could do things that you really could not do? Explain.
11 If you woke up one morning and found that during the night you magically turned into an adult, what would you do? Assume you would change back into a kid again in one week. Keep this school appropriate.
12 If you could not watch TV or play video games for a year, what do you think you would do with all of your time? How would your life be better or worse?
13 Would you rather be a centerpiece at a fancy gourmet dinner or a cherry on the top of a triple banana split? Explain.
14 If all of the food in the world looked and tasted the same, how would that affect you?
15 What do you think will be the MOST important thing you ever do?
16 What would the world be like if animals were in charge of humans? How would they treat us?
17 What do you think would happen if humans were to shrink every time they took a bath?
18 Why is the sun round and yellow?
19 What is something you love to do now, but will probably not enjoy doing in two years from now? Why will you no longer do this?
20 T hink of someone you admire. What have they said or done to gain your admiration?
21 Think of someone you feel is your closest friend. What do you like most about this person?
22 Are there certain types of stealing or borrowing without permission that are all right and others that are not? If so, how do you explain the difference?
23 I f you were to be granted one magical power, what would you pick? Explain.
24 If you could have a wonderful new experience you could cherish or a great new possession, which would you want? Why?
25 Would you rather be an island in the middle of a lake, or would you rather be the shoreline? Why?
26 List the names of as many countries as you can.
27 What would life be like if people were 10 feet tall?
28 If you were the ruler of the world, and you could have anything you wanted, do you think you would become greedy and mean, or would you be good and fair?
29 Do you think men and women have an equal chance in life to be happy and successful? Explain.
30 If all of your friends were willing to be absolutely honest and tell you exactly what they liked most about you and tell you what they liked least about you, would you want them to? Explain.
31 Would you rather have a strict teacher who was fair and taught well or a teacher who was relaxed and fun but did not teach you very much? Explain.
32 When you make a mistake, how do you handle that?
33 If you could have a round-trip ride in a time machine and travel any distance into the past or future, where would you go and how long would you stay?
34 If a friend had an important secret and did not want other people to learn about it, would telling you the secret be a big mistake?
35 If your parents were worried about a serious problem that had nothing to do with you directly, would you want them to tell you about it or would you rather not know? Explain.
36 What would you do if everybody in your family forgot your birthday?
37 Have you ever been told you had to eat something that you did not want to eat? What is the best trick for getting rid of food without getting caught?
38 If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do? Keep this school appropriate.
39 If you could pick any bedtime that you wanted, what time would you select? Why would this be the best time?
40 When you are mad at your parents and want to get back at them, what little things do you do to anger or embarrass them?
41 Would you like to have an identical twin? What would be the best and worst thing about having an identical twin?
42 Would you rather have your parent give you more gifts or spend more time with you doing an activity that you both enjoy? Explain.
43 If you agreed to sell your bike to a friend and then someone offered you more money, would you go back on the bargain? Explain.
44 Would you rather be a bird or a dog? Explain.
45 If you could change one thing about one of your parents, what would it be? Explain.
46 What things do you think children should be punished for? How should they be punished for their mistakes?
47 O f all the things you could do when you grow up, what would most please your parent?
48 Would you rather be a tree or a river? Why?
49 Are there people you trust so much, you wouldn’t be afraid to have them know your every thought?
50 Would you be willing to NEVER again get any gifts and surprises if instead you could just ask for anything you want and have your parents give it to you?
51 What is the hardest thing about growing up?
52 What is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you?
53 Have you ever stood up for something that was right even though a lot of people got upset with you? Can you ever imagine being strong enough to do that?
54 When was the last time you were generous to a stranger?
55 How many different people do you think it is possible to love at one time? Why?
56 Are you worried about what kind of place the world will be when you are a grown up? If so, what worries you the most?
57 Pretend you can own only one pair of shoes and have to choose between a pair that looks funny but feels great and another pair that looks terrific but feels lousy. What do you pick? Explain.
58 What is the best birthday party you can imagine having?
59 If you were given 10 minutes to give a speech to your school on any subject, what would you talk about?
60 If you were given $1,000 to help other people, how would you spend the money?
61 Would you rather have more brothers and sisters than you have right now? What would the best size family be?
62 If you could set your own allowance, how much would it be?
63 When you hang out with your friends, do you like to be at their house or theirs? Why?
64 If you were allowed to stop going to school, would you? Explain.
65 If you bought something in the store and the clerk gave you a dollar extra in change, what would you do?
66 How would the world be different if all people had the same color skin?
67 If you could only live for three months in the year, which three months would you choose? Why?
68 If we did not have elevators or escalators, how would our buildings change?
69 What if there were no automobiles in the world. How would our world change?
70 If you could fly, how would your life change?
71 Do you think there is life outside of the planet earth? Could we co- exist with another being on a planet?
72 What if money really did grow on trees? How would it change us?
73 Would you rather be a lion or an elephant? What advantage would each offer?
74 List as many things as you can that run on electricity?
75 What super hero would you like to be? Why?
76 If you could only be one, which would you choose? Honest or nice.
77 If animals in zoos could talk, what would they say?
78 If human ears were on top of our heads, how might that change our lives?
79 If you had to pick a new first name, what would it be? Why?
80 What do you look forward to the most in high school?