Three year implementation plan Consultation Implementation Planning Ongoing Support and Progress Monitoring Partnership for Sustainability
Implementation Planning Conference Multi-day, collaborative planning process with the district and schools to measure readiness to implement Forward. The process results in the creation of a recommended Scope of Work and establish priorities for implementation in year 1. District Meetings: Curriculum, technology and leadership School Visits: Visit each school to collaboratively conduct the Implementation Planning Assessment Each school receives an Implementation Planning Profile Identify general trends in School Dimensions are used to develop a set of priorities to guide the PD and implementation plan for the district School Dimensions Teaching and Learning Organizational Staffing Leadership Professional Development Technology
Professional Development and Support Days; 20 days/school Professional Development 4 days prior to the start of the year; 2 days throughout school-year. Targeted to audience: Whole School Leaders Lead Teachers Teachers Professional Support 14 days throughout the school-year. Targeted to principals and teachers, providing job-embedded coaching and mentoring focused on: Teacher team and leadership support and guidance Curricular problem solving and support Instructional support Implementation observation and reporting Scope of Work
Role of the Pearson Field Specialist Provide support in an ongoing and collaborative basis to help get implementation practices underway and provide feedback on progress Nurture the development of cohesiveness among all schools implementing Forward Support school meet implementation goals During the course of a day, the Field Specialist will work with school leaders and teachers. Every time a Field Specialists visits a school, they can do the following: With TeachersWith Leaders Co-plan lessons with teacher teams or with individual teachers Model lessons or expectations of how to facilitate Observe instruction Co-facilitate teacher meetings and PD Strategize (problem solve implementation issues) Co-plan meetings to be facilitated with staff to support implementation Co-facilitate meetings with staff Model leadership team meetings
Building Capacity Forward Libraries A Leveled Reader Library and series of Trade Books are offered separately at each grade; The Leveled Reader Library includes 20 titles per DRA level, supports small-group reading and represents both fiction and nonfiction. The Trade Book Library is a diverse and cross-curricular collection of books that support and enrich the Forward integrated learning experience. This library includes 24 titles in grades K-2 and 30 titles in grades 3-5. Forward Curriculum Teacher access to Pearson’s SuccessNet Plus platform, which houses the Forward integrated curriculum, and built-in assessment and professional development resources. Forward Services Teacher and administrator access to the OneView Implementation Portal, which houses the implementation planning assessment, communication resources, Leadership Institute courses, Forward Flex Guide, and Reflect-forward journal 20 days onsite technical training and professional support, per school
Instructional System Pricing, 20 days/school {insert school/district name here} Based on the number of teachers per grade at each school and 20 days of professional support