Ms. Inoa and Mrs. Johnson’s Kindergarten Class Information
Classroom Schedule 9:00-9:05Check in 9:05-9:25Morning Work & Announcements 9:30-9:50Morning Meeting 9: Math/Science 10:50-11:20Lunch 11:25-12:10Specials 12:10-12:35Benchmark Literacy/phonemic Awareness 12:35-1:10 Writer’s Workshop (SS) 1:10-2:10Guided Reading & Daily 3 2:10-2:25Hand Writing 2:50:3:15 Developmental Centers /SS-CS/ 3:15-3:40DEAR 3:40-3:50Reflection & Dismissal This is what a typical day in our classroom looks like.
Mrs. Inoa’s Class Specials 11:25-12:10 Day 1PE Day 2Music Day 3Spanish Day 4PE Day 5Art Day 6Library
Get to Know Me My experiences/background This will be my 12 th year teaching kindergarten I grew up in The Dominican Republic. I came to US about 25 years ago. I lived in NY City for 18 years. Education: Bronx Community College, Bronx NY Associate Degree in Applied Science. Education Major Herbert H. Lehman College, Bronx NY, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Bilingual Extension. Minor in Early Childhood Education and Mater’s Degree in Early Childhood Special Education.
Daily Organization Wednesday Folder Comes home every Wednesday Needs to be sent back every Thursday Important information from the school Homework Folder Needs to be checked everyday Please sign in the parent signature column every day Note Home = Behavior 2 Stars = Homework that needs to be turned in
Bag of Books The Bag of Books is for you to keep at home We will send home books for your child to add to their Bag of Books frequently Your child can use their Bag of Books for Book-It and daily reading practice
Guided Reading Books DRA Leveled Books On Grade Level Book for First Quarter: Level (1-4)
Guided Reading Books DRA Leveled Books DRA Goal for the end of Kindergarten is a level 4 DRA DRA Target for the end of Kindergarten is a level 6 DRA The On Grade Level reading range for the end of Kindergarten is a level 3-8 DRA Below Grade Level will be Pre-A through 3
PALs Testing We will be doing PALs testing for all students during the week of October 19 th Please make sure your child is at school on time each day PALs testing is for rhyming recognition, letter ID and sounds, reading, and sight word recognition. Students who do not meet the benchmark will receive PALs tutoring at school
Book It & Scholastic Book It Each month you will receive a new reading log Please fill up the reading log and return it at the end of the month Your child will receive a free pizza coupon for Pizza Hut! Scholastic Book Club I will send home monthly Scholastic order forms Please order online using our classroom code Code is on the info sheet that I attached to your monthly catalog
GOALS! Practice, practice, practice! CLASS GOAL Our class goal is learning how to tie our shoes! If/when we can all tie our shoes, we will receive a free pizza party! MATH GOALS Coins recognition and value READING GOALS Moving up on our reading level chart!
Field Trips Science Field Trip Ticonderoga Farm in Chantilly November 5 th $15.00 per student/chaperone Hylton Performance Art Center Seussical April 29 th $12.00 per student/chaperone ** Chaperones: We will be asking for chaperones as we get closer to the field trip dates
Communication Please check my website monthly is the best way to reach me! I will always try to get back to you within 24 hours Daily Homework Folder You can always send a note to me via the folder Remind 101 I will send out text messages throughout the year Sign up info in your packet
November Conferences PLEASE sign up tonight! Monday, November 2nd 3:00pm to 7:00pm Tuesday, November 3rd 8:00am to 12:00pm Your child must be present We will be discussing your child’s progresses together as a group
Extra Information Communal Snack When we are low on class snacks, I will send home a note for parents asking for snack donations Pretzels, gold fish, crackers… Dress Code Sneakers everyday No spaghetti strap tank tops or dresses Fingertip length rule on shorts, dresses, and skirts R.O.C.K.E.T. Respect Cards Students earn punches on their cards for good behavior When card is full, they may pick from the R.O.C.K.E.T. cart
Coin Poem Penny 1 cent, penny 1 cent Nickel 5, nickel 5 Dime10 cents, dime 10 cents Quarter 25, quarter 25!
Marine Corps Fun Run When? Saturday, October 24 th Where: The Pentagon Cost: $10.00 per student Parent/Guardian MUST attend with your child. Sign up TONIGHT! Forms are due today. Registration forms are located by the front office. Please leave registration forms and money with your student’s teacher.
Take Home Games Handwriting Grip Activity 10 Flashing Fireflies book and game