Married to Mr. Neal-Retired Air Force pilot Two boys Kaleb a Sophomore, Kobe a Freshman One puppy- Stella, an energetic Golden Doodle Eighth year at DCC I love teaching, yoga, long walks, coffee, and shopping
- Mrs. Neal’s Web page Alert Messages
Planners Students will copy their daily homework and any upcoming events No parent / teacher signature required – student’s responsibility Homework 1 page of math everyday 2 hours of reading weekly – Record in Planner 40 Book Challenge 1-2 pages of word work, science, and/or social studies weekly Writing-1 assignment weekly Resource Folders Purple folder Review graded papers Return Hole punched papers for portfolios
Students may bring a healthy snack everyday We typically eat snack between 9:45 and 10:00 No nuts in the classroom Weekly schedule Discoveries Tennis shoes on Tues. and library books on Wed.
Positive Reinforcement Class Dojo Group Points STORM stars Consequences Verbal warning Teacher Chooses Parent phone call Conference with Mr. Lester
Math4Today Spiral Review S.T.A.N.D. O.U.T. math Math fact timed tests Hands-On Equations Algebra Math’s Mate Due every Tuesday Problem solving Mountain Math Scoot Pad-web-based individualized practice EnVision math-Math Workshop Text books Nightly homework Notebooks
Rotations Small, guided reading groups Trade Books Chapter Books Wonders Whole group Vocabulary Comprehension Word Work Lexia-web-based Individualized reading curriculum Students practice and learn foundational reading skills Scoot Pad
Wonders Writer’s Workshop Mountain Language Word Work
Scientific Method 4 th grade topics Energy Space Regions/Geography Colorado History Economics/Government Ecosystems Unit Previews/Reflections Please complete the reflections sheet after each planner and return it to school
PARCC – Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers March and April Reading, math and writing CMAS- Colorado Measures of Academic Success: Science and Social Studies April? Social Studies Wonders fluency and comprehension 3 benchmark times per year Progress monitoring for Individual Literacy Plans (ILPs) STAR – computer based leveled testing A screening tool- it is not a diagnostic assessment. It is a tool for helping to identify students who need interventions and monitoring their progress as they receive interventions After all students have completed their fall testing, I will send home a score sheet with explanations
Weekly assessments Math 4 Today quizzes – Fridays EnVision math tests – sporadically STAND OUT timed tests – Wed. and Fridays Wonders reading tests – sporadically Daily Language Quizzes- Fridays
Standards Based Not Averaged 4.0 (E) Demonstrates understanding of more complex/advanced concepts & skills 3.0 (ME) Demonstrates understanding of target concepts & skills 2.0 (PRG) Demonstrates understanding of simpler concepts & skills 1.0 (BEL) With help, demonstrates partial understanding of score 2.0 and 3.0 concepts & skills 0.0 (BEL) Even with help, demonstrates no understanding of score 2.0 or 3.0 concepts & skills NE Teacher has not taught the concepts & skills and/or has taught some of the concepts & skills, but has not yet evaluated them
Classroom volunteers Start mid-September Field Trip Volunteers-To be determined at the time of the field trip Must see Mrs. Ravetti before volunteering in the classroom or on field trips