Journal At what age do you consider a person old? Why?
Adulthood Changes Physical Cognitive (thinking) Social
Physical Hair turns gray Skin wrinkles Menopause , can’t have children 90% of all adults get married 40%-60% end in divorce People in their 40s still have sex is physical peak of a person
Cognitive People get smarter as they get older. Experience is a great teacher. However, reaction time is slowed.
Social And Personality Personality does not change. “I am the same person I was at 15.”
Male Development Entering Adult World (22-28) - prove he’s a man Age Thirty Crisis - feels many areas in life are bad Settling Down (36-40) -Crisis is handled Midlife Transition -becomes a mentor to a younger man Middle Adulthood (45-50) -Man is happy where he is
Female Development Empty-Nest Syndrome – not traumatic for women, more traumatic for men. -Women feel more free -Depends on happiness of marriage Depression – most common among middle aged women ◦-menopause, marriage problems
Old Age
Decremental Model of Aging Physical and mental decline are inevitable! Ageism – prejudice or discrimination against old people.
Health Physical strength and senses decline. (31% of American Adults are obese) Important to establish healthy lifestyles at a young age, it will continue for the rest of your life. 35% of elderly have at least one chronic disease Most common diseases – heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis. Most common cause of death – heart disease, cancer, and strokes
Sexual Activity Let’s be brief, I “guess” old people have sex…let’s move on
Adjusting to Old Age Loss of friends and family Loss of spouse Loss of control – physical and external AARP – American Association of Retired Persons -organization to help old people.
Mental Disease Senile Dementia – decrease is mental abilities experienced by some old people Alzheimer’s Disease – most common form of senile dementia. ◦- 4.5 million people
Draw and Write Draw a picture of an older person (over 60) that is important to you. Then describe them in a paragraph. Tell me things they do, what’s important to them, and why they are important to you.