1 Laboratory for Biomedical Informatics Lab Director: Prof Riccardo Bellazzi Web:
2 Main Research Topics Clinical Data Mining and Data Analytics Temporal Data Mining Text Mining Big Data ANalytics (Personalized) Decision Support Systems Personalized Decision Support Shared Decision Making Cognitive Rehabilitation Telemedicine Mobile Apps Web Applications
3 The MOSAIC project
4 The MobiGuide Project
5 CoRe : a software system for computerized cognitive rehabilitation Parameters setup through user interface Patient profiles DB Stimuli DB Automatic adjustment of difficulty level Stimuli ontology Performance data storage REPOSITORYUSER INTERFACE Exercise StartExercise Start 10 different exercise types: Functional Planning Image and Sound Find the Intruder Unscramble the Images Unscramble the Sentence Pick the Element Find the Category Logical Sequences Logical Analogies Word Coupling
6 The Project EU 7th Framework project Developing models and algorithms for delivering insulin through an Artificial Pancreas Trials in 6 centers across Europe DB DATA TYPES DATA TYPES MANUAL INPUT MANUAL INPUT AUTOM. INPUT AUTOM. INPUT LOCAL VIEWS LOCAL VIEWS PATIENT DIARY PATIENT DIARY SYNCHRO ? ? ? ? PLUGINS File
7 The Project 2013 EU Framework VII project Developing models and algorithms for delivering insulin through an Artificial Pancreas Trials in 6 centers across Europe DB DATA TYPES DATA TYPES MANUAL INPUT MANUAL INPUT AUTOM. INPUT AUTOM. INPUT LOCAL VIEWS LOCAL VIEWS PATIENT DIARY PATIENT DIARY SYNCHRO ? ? ? ? PLUGINS File
8 HeNeA Challenges Encourage patient empowerment Promote disease awareness Improve doctor-patient communication Solutions Deliver educational information Oversee disease management Monitor patient health status Connect patients with peers Benefits Support patient self-management Improve the outpatient compliance Reduce healthcare costs Prototype for patients affected by Head & Neck Cancer
9 Deliver educational information Use case Improve patient knowledge of the disease Implementations Deliver information about the disease and its treatment plan Suggest links for further deepening Give suggestions & tips for the patient daily activities
10 Monitor patient health status Use cases Acquire patient data Provide management dashboards Implementations Collect clinical parameters Fill-in relevant questionnaires Display all entered data in charts Send alerts in critical situations
11 Connect patients with peers Use case Promote relationships through social-networks Implementations Subscribe to online support groups Display patients and clinical facilities on a map Exchange messages with other patients
12 Oversee disease management Use case Improve the communication between the patient and the physician Implementations Reminders for data collection Reports to the specialist with: Filled-in questionnaires and clinical data Charts showing trends
13 GQuest Challenges Remote administration of questionnaire and checklist modules Transparently manage the module update process Solutions Downloader/synchronizer for managing modules and their data Mobile platform for rendering the modules offline Benefits Simplified data collection for chronic outpatients Support investigations during clinical/experimental trials Standardize simple decision processes Deploy Download Design Synchro Analysis textual help speech synthesis speech recognition Select Fill Review Modify Close Delete
14 BIOMERIS Spin-off BIOMEdical Research Informatics Solutions i2b2 Data-warehouse for integrating clinical and research data Biobank Analytics Cell BigQ NGS TriNetX i2b2 for integrating biobank data i2b2 extension for Statistics and Data-mining Clinical Trial Design and Recruitment i2b2 extension for Very Large Scale Database