Solutions to the following problem: Ms. Australia, a newly-graduated, young adult from Thailand, migrates to Australia to look for a job that is suitable for her. She struggles with looking for one because she thinks her degree might not be enough to get her a “good” job. She lives alone now away from her family and her boyfriend.
Solution A: Keep the current job 1. Keep the job but continue looking for work by getting interviews 2. Keep the job to get experience from it first before getting another job. 3. Keep the job and learn to love it 4. Keep the job and make friends in the office so as not to get bored 5. Keep the job and do her best to be good at it 6. Keep the job and expand her network so it’s easier to get another job eventually
Solution B: Quit the current job 1. Quit the job and look for a new one. 2. Quit the job and try soul-searching first so she knows what she really wants 3. Quit the job and rest for a year first. 4. Quit the job and start a new business at home 5. Quit the job and collaborate with acquaintances there and open up a new business. 6. Quit the job and travel to explore and enjoy the new environment
Solution C: Pursue further studies instead 1. Go to medicine school 2. Get a Masters degree 3. Take up a new course 4. Take useful online courses
Solution C: A 5-year old’s solutions 1. Go back to her boyfriend. They’re meant to be together 2. Put a picture of her boyfriend on her desk at work 3. Put a picture of her doggie on her desk at work 4. Go back to her father in Thailand. Family comes first 5. Get a teddy bear so she’s always reminded to be happy at work 6. Eat candies and chocolates so she stays happy all the time 7. Always pray at night so God gives her the job she wants
Solution D: Solutions outside work 1. Talk to her boyfriend on skype all the time so they keep in contact 2. Talk to her dad on skype all the time 3. Talk to her doggie on skype all the time 4. Meet new friends so she gets to enjoy weekends 5. Keep herself busy by doing her hobbies 6. Keep herself fit by doing exercise at home 7. Keep herself fit by going to the gym 8. Keep herself fit by doing sports
Solution D: Solutions outside work 9. Go to bonding sessions with friends 10. Go watch a movie every weekend 11. Watch TV series during leisure time 12. Do movie marathons at home 13. Cook 14. Go on trips
Solution E: Supernatural Solutions 1. Teleport back to Thailand at night so she gets to get home to her family every night 2. Teleport back to Thailand at night so she gets to get home to her boyfriend every night 3. Make a prototype of herself so she can be at her current work (and earn) and be outside to look for other jobs 4. Make a prototype of herself so she can still continue working and then go back to Thailand and be with her dad or boyfriend
Solution F: Other Solutions 1. Encourage her dad to migrate to Australia as well 2. Encourage her boyfriend to migrate to Australia 3. Visit Thailand every week 4. Visit Thailand every month 5. Visit Thailand once a year 6. Tell her dad to visit Australia once a year 7. Tell her boyfriend to visit her once a year 8. Do exciting stuff with her boyfriend even if they’re apart.
Solution F: Other Solutions 9. Do skype dates with boyfriend 10. Do sideline work
Solutions to the following problem: Ms. Australia, a newly-graduated, young adult from Thailand, migrates to Australia to look for a job that is suitable for her. She struggles with looking for one because she thinks her degree might not be enough to get her a “good” job. She lives alone now away from her family and her boyfriend.
FINAL SOLUTION #1 KEEP THE JOB! Almost everyone doesn’t get the job he or she wants at the first try. And while she fears that she might not get a “better” job because of her degree, her experience will eventually get her there. What she needs to do now is be contented with her job and get all the experience she can get from it. However, she can still continue looking for interviews for new jobs. We never know, her degree might not be a problem at all.
FINAL SOLUTION #2 KEEP IN TOUCH WITH LOVED ONES AT HOME! One of the major adjustments she needs to face is coping with the distance between her and her loved ones. She needs to have constant contact with them. Her loved ones are not simply people whom she misses, they are already part of what she is now so it’s really important that she don’t lose those connections. And with the technology today, long distance relationships might still be hard but not as impossible as before.
FINAL SOLUTION #3 HAVE A SOCIAL LIFE! As much as she wants to keep in contact with the people she left in Thailand, she should build new relationships in her new environment. She need to make new friends, a best friend perhaps whom she can share all her feelings. It would be very important for the emotional aspect of her well-being. New friends would really help her cope and would keep her from missing her family too much.