Teh N00bs Guide At the end of this presentation, you will be able to understand the following text: |-|1 |\|00|3$
History of leetspeak Leet speak originated from hackers while communicating through IRC, (Internet Relay Chat). It gained momentum when the first online game came out, Ultima Online. 1337Pie was the #1 on the game rankings. He hacked the server to get uber skills. (Uber means super)
Rules of Uber Leetness No Whining No Asshatery Good Sportsmanship Must have positive Kills per Death Must type in all numbers and symbols Cannot use translators except for lamespeak Must be a team player
Leetspeak In Modern Times Websites are flourishing by having Leetspeak instead of normal speak. Video Games are incorporating 1337 in different ways. In Tom Clancy’s “Splinter Cell,” one of the door codes is In “City of Villains” one of the bosses is “uba1337h4x0rz.” In “Super Smash Brothers Melee”, a random tag is l33t.
Leetspeak In Modern Times Cont. In “Psychonauts”, there is a cheat code that makes all dialogue appear in the form of leet. In “Star Wars: Republic Commando” when you destroy a terminal, it will sometimes say, “No terminal can withstand my 1337h4x0r skillz” In Runescape there is a cut-scene of a bank robbery. There are several fake players in the cut-scene. One of them is called, 1337sp34kr. Everything he says is in leet, and once he gets killed, he screams, “HAKR!”
Leet and Bad Sportsmanship Only done by immature noobs Talking in all caps, like B1FF Using “Ur Mom” jokes Saying “Lawl” after your own insult. Spamming Asshatery, in all its branches Crying after death
Leet and good Sportsmanship Used in all games that involve any skill “Good game,” or “GG” “NS,” Nice shot Upping someone’s reputation Reporting hackers Accepting “Pause” requests Helping Noobs through the early stages
Leetspeak in the News When the news has no murder cases, they talk about leetspeak. In World of Warcraft, a grown man jumped off a building because his party betrayed him in the toughest place in the game Child molesters use leetspeak to garner trust from young children, saying that they are uber leet and NOT old
Asshatery Being rude Immature Non-Productive Cheating Whining Childish name calling Begging
Leetspeak And Forums All rules of leetspeak apply No flaming, but you can defend yourself Only post in topics you know what you are talking about If your game has a different server or version, only post in the server you are playing Be mature