W HAT IS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ? A bibliography is a list of citations for sources (books, articles, databases, etc.) used in a research paper or project. An annotation is a summary and/or evaluation of a resource. In an annotated bibliography, each citation is followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph called an annotation.
W HY SHOULD I DO AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ? To learn more about your topic! Prepares you for a research project by examining each source carefully Gives you a good perspective on the issues that surround your topic Helps you formulate a thesis because you learn what is available on your topic
S KILLS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Independent library research Bibliographic skills Attentive evaluation of text Succinct analysis of resources Concise expository writing
S TEPS IN THE P ROCESS 1. Locate a variety of sources, including books, databases, articles, etc., that may contain useful information on your topic. 2. Briefly examine these resources and choose those that are reliable, relevant, and contain a variety of perspectives on your topic. 3. Create a citation for each source you’ve chosen, using the correct style as assigned by your teacher (MLA, APA, etc.). 4. Write a concise annotation for each source that summarizes & evaluates its usefulness. Each annotation should be approximately 100–200 words.
YIKES ! AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY LOOKS REALLY COMPLICATED ! It’s not so hard once you know what you’re doing. Let’s look at the process one step at a time.
1. L OCATE A VARIETY OF SOURCES Find both print and online sources. Make sure your print sources are from a reliable publisher or institution. Use authoritative online databases rather than free websites. Be wary of websites with no credentials.
2. E XAMINE THE SOURCES & CHOOSE THE BEST ONES Select information from authoritative sources, such as a university or scholarly publication. Make sure the source is current and not out-of-date for your topic. Select sources with a variety of perspectives on your topic. Verify that the information is valid, well- researched, and supported by evidence.
3. C REATE A CITATION FOR EACH SOURCE You may use Noodle Tools to create your annotated bibliography online.Noodle Tools The MLA Bibliography Format is also available on your web guide and as a handout in the library. BUT--remember that YOU are ultimately responsible for the correct formatting of your citations.
4. W RITE A CONCISE ANNOTATION FOR EACH SOURCE You may include as many of these as you & your teacher wish: Describe the content & focus of the source. Evaluate the background/authority of the author. Identify the source’s relevance / usefulness to your research. Comment on the intended audience and/or bias of the source. Compare or contrast this source to others you have cited. Record your reactions to the source.
H ANG IN THERE — YOU ’ RE ALMOST FINISHED ! Alphabetize your citations. Check for errors in MLA format. Proofread the whole thing.
I F YOU HAVE FOLLOWED THESE STEPS, YOU ’ VE CREATED AN A NNOTATED B IBLIOGRAPHY Congratulations! You’ve just learned a very useful skill that will assist you in your future academic pursuits.